My shot for #dabbooratnanicalendar@dabbooratnani @manishadratnani#heisback #alwaysfunwithdabs #20th

Agneepath gave me the opportunity of going all guns blazing. Rarely does a script come along which warrants the actor to risk everything. Including his bones. Those are the kind of roles I look for. Otherwise I’m just the laziest guy. I was shooting for ZNMD in Spain when Karan Johar sent Karan malhotra to narrate the script inspite of me very vehemently turning down the idea of a remake of the classic. .He was right. .Cause after I heard the narration, I just couldn’t say no. . Rest is history. . Had some fun while meditating on the poem today with my phone. . And right now all I want to do for the rest of my life is action movies. . #happyrepublicday#7yearsofAgneepath #actionmovies

I’m such a faker. Looking thru binoculars at a wall 3 feet away. Those ski’s don’t work and I don’t know that dog. .#actorslife

if I think I look good , does that make me look bad ?. . #weirdideas #curiousmind#whattodo #itactuallymakessense

Asked my dad for a picture this morning. Knew he wouldnt miss gym on surgery day. He is probably the strongest man I know. Got diagnosed with early stage squamous cell carcinoma of the throat a few weeks ago, but he is in full spirits today as he proceeds to battle it. As a family we are fortunate and blessed to have a leader like him. . Love you Dad.

My workout is mandatory. Resting is optional. #Noexcuses #Keepgoing#legday

A Happy Life is a diverse Life. . .Enuf said !. . Happy New Year !. . #explorersforever#bff #adventurers #createyourfun#failingislearning #fallingisfun#growthmindset #learningispower#nofear #speedisaneed #fastandfurious#staycurious #butwhatifyoufly?

Did you hear about the man who got hit by the same bike every morning ? . . . It was a vicious cycle. . . (That kinda day)? #humournoir #picoftheday .


#photoshoot #dabboo #calender#ugetthepicture video courtesy @aalimhakim @manishadratnani@dabbooratnani

Here is Sussanne , my closest friend ( also my ex wife) capturing a moment with me and our boys. . A moment in itself. . It tells a story to our kids. That in a world separated by lines and ideas , it is still possible to be united. And that you can want different things as people and yet stay undivided. . Here’s to a more united, tolerant, brave, open and loving world. It all starts at home. . #beOpen #bebrave#artoflove #tolerance #courage#abundance #loveisgreaterthanfear#explorersforever#childrenarethefuture #harmony

Find one thing to do everyday that you have never done before. . HRX and I just did. . Coming soon. .#bethebestversionofyourself#createyourlife #hrx #hrxbrand#lifequotes #dontjustexist #keepgoing#DefeatDefeat

Work hard. Then play harder. Then work harder. Then play harder. . Simple rules = simple life. . Two boys and a man. Doing whatever the hell we can. . Happy Children’s Day. . . #nevergrowup#createyourlife #explorersforlife #bff#adventurers #childrenday

Commit. Dedicate. Achieve and always #KeepGoing. Take your fitness journey to the next level with @hrxbrand.#BeTheBestVersionOfYourself

Do you ever feel terrified when you think about the distance between where you want to be and where you are ? Krrish in many ways for me is the struggle, aspiration and endeavor of wanting to travel the length of that distance. When my dad thought of the idea of Krrish , the first thing I felt was doubt, uncertainty and incapable, I was simply afraid, and the second thing I felt was absolute terror at the thought of not doing it because I was afraid. So we went ahead and took the fear along with us for the ride. What we lacked in budget, technology, specialization and resources , we made up in tenacity, teamwork, discipline and perseverance. . Today, we are at the heels of yet another endeavor to shorten that distance with Krrish4; and I feel exactly the same fear as I felt all those years ago. . And that is why I am reassured that we are on the right track. .#5yearsofKrrish3 #throwback#isjaaducomingback #missyouRohit

My mother deserves the world and she doesn’t know it. This is a reminder from her son on her birthday. Don’t wait for your near and dear ones to be happy before you allow yourself to do all the things that make you happy mama. Life is now and you owe it to yourself first. Happy birthday mama! Love you more than you love me 🙂 #motherandson#mothersarealsofriends#mothersarealsostillchildren#sheisstrong #sheisamazing#iloveyoumom ❤️

Felt like great weather for a selfie. Got out of my warm blanket and tried. Failed. Sat n covered myself up again. Caught in the act by : Vijay palande n Mayur shettigar #selfiefails #nevergiveup#goingtowork #myteamrocks #italy#exploreeverywhere#willtryagaintomorrow

Paparazzi missed the Bihari at the airport today. This one dedicated to all them photographers. #bihariwalk #biharitalk#iwasabihariinmypastlife#explorerforever #byebyemumbai

Took another selfie. Liked it. Then.. (you know how it goes) #shotoniPhoneXSMax#itsamazing

गणपति बप्पा मौरया! #family #tradition#mymomistoocute #officialbellman#godlovesyou #sharethelove

Meerkats are rare and found only in the far reaches of the Kalahari desert in Botswana. Harmless if u are careful but can inflict a nasty bite. It took an hours drive and a 30 min walk for me and my boys with our tracker to find this incredible gang of meerkats. They are very wary of predators and usually one of them is appointed as a sentry to alert the rest of the gang. The sentry’s job is to look for a mound which he then climbs as a lookout post. So the only way to get close to these amazing creatures is to sit completely still, like frozen for about 15 -20 mins and wait for the sentry meerkat to assume that you are a mound and climb on top of you to lookout for danger! So here we are – posing as completely convenient sentry posts. #patienceiskey #adventuretime#exploreeverywhere #dontjustexist#createyourlife #africa #bff#fatherandsons

समय बदल रहा है। Welcome to #Super30

अब राजा का बेटा राजा नहीं बनेगा… अब राजा वही बनेगा जो हकदार होगा! #Super30



2 boys and a man on a giant bike. That’s how we move. #summerinsantorini#greece #exploreeverywhere#dontjustexist #bff #createyourlife

The situation in Kerala is critical. Help is required. Please let’s come forward and do whatever we can. Our friends in Kerela need us right now. I have contributed a sum and I request you all to do whatever you can. God bless #kerelafloodrelief

Koi mil gaya gave birth to Krrish, and in a weird way playing Rohit gave birth to a newfound strength in myself. Rohit helped me understand every single thing I went thru as a boy with a stutter. And made me realize how everything that “is” was simply meant to be. He helped me understand that strength was not as important as courage. And that it was ok to have weaknesses. And that being ok with your weaknesses in itself was courage. Another beautiful thing he taught me is never to assume what other people are thinking. He never did. Never tried to mind read others like we do so often in this age of sms and whatsapp. Rohit took things at face value or based on evidence. A good tip for today’s gen who should know that u can never really communicate the tone while typing the words. Today relationships are sometimes at the mercy of how the typed sentence is interpreted. 15 years ago jaadu happened in the theaters and another jaadu in my own life. So keep going. Others have said this before , I’m saying it now and you will say it one day looking back at the things that didn’t make sense. It’s all going to work out . I promise . On its 15th anniversary, I’m sharing a few of my favorite moments from the film. I want to thank all the people who were part of this amazing journey. Especially my dad n mom. And ofcourse thank you to all of you for the love u gave me. #15yearsofkoimilgaya#itsmagic #itsallgoingtoworkout #jaadu#ipromise

took a selfie. Liked it. then posted it. #keepitsimple

Throwback. 2015. Two boys, a man, and the long road less travelled by. #travellerlife #africa#adventure..isoutthere #funtakeswork#explorers #dontjustexist #bffs #metime#mylife

Just chillin. #thatshowitsdone#relaxationneedsimagination#ontopoftheworld? #dontjustexist#exploreeverything #youarenotalone#notadroneshot

And then he came back and jumped again. Twice. #littleman #ittakescourage#funtakeswork #exploreeverything #bff#dontjustexist

Walk. Road. Bench. Sit. Refuel. #takeaphoto #travellerlife#exploreeverything #dontjustexist

The only thing I didn’t tell them was that the water was freezing ?#laughoutloud#createyourfun #bffsforever#exploreeverything #dontjustexist

It’s a small world after all.#nottouristswearetravellers#ittakesateam #dontjustexist#exploreeverything #bffsforever

Palazzo Navona ☑️. The Old library☑️ #Rome #notadroneshot #travellerlife#keepexploring #bff #booksaregood#readmore #exploreeverything

Navigator. Driver. Passenger. who is who? #roadtrippin #travellerlife#exploreeverything #peace #gstaad #bff#ittakesateam #dontjustexist

Stay calm and keep adrenaling ? #createveryday #travellerlife#dontjustexist #exploreeverything #bff

EXPLORERS FOREVER #Rome#vespaworld #doastheromansdo??#adventurers #bff #travellerslife#discover #dontjustexist #createveryday#exploreeverything

Beautiful days #gstaad #glacier3000#impossibleisnothing #nevergrowup#bff #fearless #adventurers#exploreeverything

Read an interesting quote. ‘Acting is all about being real. If you can fake that, you’ve got it made’

GQ nights.

Ladies and gentlemen, Vidya Vox is in the house! My house! What do I say , I’m such a fan. Thank you for the music @vidyavox. Was wonderful meeting you and shankar.

There is a universe inside those eyes. Every proud wrinkle teaches a beautiful tale of love overcoming hurt. Those eyes will shine for you no matter what. And all she wants…is a hug. Happy Mother’s Day my warrior mother. #GoHugYourMomtoday

1982. MJ’s #Thriller has just released. That’s an inspired 8 year old me doing nonsense, but to Mom and Dad, I was Jackson that night.

Team work makes the dream work #BTS#worktakesyouplaces #Super30

Just a girl who decided to go for it 🙂 #Repost @suranikashealthykitchen with @get_repost ・・・ Why Suranika’s Healthy Kitchen? Having gone through a weight loss transformation myself, I found it extremely difficult to find healthy food that tasted good – specially since I was an avid junk food eater. This made me experiment and create my own food, due to the lack of availability of healthy food 5 years back. It was either bland and tasteless, or labeled healthy – but full of fat. Taking my passion for baking and cooking forward, I decided to start Suranika’s Healthy Kitchen to share my love of healthy food to people – tried and tested 🙂

Get out of your own way. #Keepgoing

All in a day’s work #comingsoon

Ever so often there are moments when every cell of my body races past the discomfort and anxiety and comes ALIVE to the rhythm of the music when I step on the dance floor. I am fortunate to be surrounded by the energy of these heroes. #iplrehearsals #vivoipl@wizcraft_india

To all our sons and daughters and to the child within us all. Sharing something I wrote (headphones please). Watch the FULL video – on the link in the bio above.

When the grandmother becomes your grandest inspiration – you literally have no excuses! #Repost @pinkieroshan with @get_repost ・・・ My son#mygrandsons#my audience#this morning