Women are now giving birth all over Venezuela in hospitals where there are no power, the back up batteries are long gone, no water, where the infection risk is overwhelming, medicine that needs to be in refrigerators are destroyed. The people of Venezuela are slowly but surely dying. The population of Venezuela have in ONE YEAR in average lost 24 lbs (11kg) of their body weight due to lack of food. The money (Venezuelan Bolivares) has lost it’s value to the point that the toilet paper is worth more than the actual money paper bills. Much more. The inflation rate is 10,000,000%. Too many zeros? Or just too unbelievable? Don’t worry, I understand you: It has lost it’s value with 10 MILLION percent. In a country that used to be the leading economy in South and Latin America: -No power❌ No medicine ❌ No water ❌ No food ❌ No money ❌ And all of this suffering is spelled: “Greed” -Nicolas Maduro, the dictator in Venezuela that illegaly calls himself president, is nothing but a mass murderer of his “own” people.

Salut tout le monde, Je serai à PARÍS la semaine prochaine avec @strongbyzumba pour le Salon Body Fitness. Je suis super contente d’y participer pour la première fois ! Venez me rejoindre samedi pour un cours de #HIIT au poids de corps, où chaque mouvement est synchronisé avec une musique canon et originale. Rendez-vous au stand Strong by Zumba®️ proche du podium central. J’y serai avec la team des formatrices France #StrongbyZumba@maevacoach @clotildemartin_ Passez nous voir !! @salon_body_fitness#FeelEveryBeat #LetItSyncIn #SBZ

A normal family… in the sewer. -He must be crazy, right? It might appear like it, but the father is 100% completely sane. When the desperation is taking over, decisions like these are made. This is not a low class family who are living on the street. It could be YOU and YOUR FAMILY. Just watch the video for just a few seconds, and think: Me. If that was ME. So you: PLEASE READ! -When a devil rules the country, then this is how a normal family keeps the hygiene. In the gutter. Why? The dictator that calls himself president in my native country Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro, is a murderer. A MASS MURDERER of normal people like you and me, if we lived in Venezuela. There are those known mass murderers that use chemical gas against their own people (Sarin, used by Bashar Al-Assad in Syria),there are those that use weapons(Hitler is just one example of many),and there are those who kill masses, in silence. In a way to avoid any kind of evidence on the internet: turn off the power and the water. In the whole country. The people will after a while drain their batteries, they cannot charge the portable battery either,anyone who has anything negative to report to the world cannot do so. The disconnection with Venezuela for the last few days is complete. Right now there are millions in Venezuela with stories to tell like this family in the video, but they can’t show it. No electricity means destroyed medicins,hospitals not able to operate,women giving birth to children in complete darkness, elderly and children dying over overheating.A silent mass murder is going on right now as you read this. I wish I could ask you all to send food,but the trucks with aid is stopped by the border and are not allowed to enter,with the reason “it’s the Americans transporting weapons”. Some trucks full of aid even got burnt down. Nicolas Maduro is the new Hitler. The death toll in Venezuela is closing in on how many jews Hitler gased to death during the 6 years of mass extinction. “It’s not possible”,you say,”in these days of cell phone cameras and internet” But no one knows, no one can’t possibly even think anyone can be that cruel and get away with it. -But tragically enough, it’s a fact.

Sting like a… what? (Watch until the end) -It’s ab day, folks! Florida style I guess… How’s the weather where you are? Wearing a BRAND NEW outfit from @one0one_101 ? Music: @garethemery(Sansa)
North Miami Beach, Florida

There’s always the other side.#WorthSquattingFor

Time to rock??? Extensions or no extensions? -That’s the question?@surraca at @gee.gym
Hallandale Beach, Florida

And it’s official ??? -Proudly announcing the @m.elle.store is finally reality: my very own female clothing line just launched. Perfect fitting jeans for all body types, cute and classy tops, and bikinis for those beach days to come… This video is summarizing the launch party. Now go check out the clothes: -They are pretty darn awesome ??♀️ Music: @emmahewittofficial@garethemery “Take Everything” Video: @mediadvertising Bugatti and @PaganiMiami @prestigeimports ? @surraca @maitieproductions

Se fue ???

Solo otra conversación de WhatsApp entre #prettyboy @maluma y su tía @yudyarias ??♀️ ??♀️ y pues… @jimmy_lewin ??♀️
Sunny Isles Beach, Florida

¡Hoy es mi cumpleaños! -Por aqui un videito de la fiesta de mi nueva marca de ropa “M Elle” donde conocí a @cvillaloboss por primera vez. Y aprovecho de decir gracias a todos los que me acompañaron este día tan importante para nosotros. ???? Historia completa HOY con @azucenacierco por @alrojovivo 4 pm/3c ???
North Miami Beach, Florida

Orgullosa de ser Venezolana! Feliz de saber que somos capaces de unir fuerzas por amor a nuestro país! Grandes @chynomiranda @nacho@richardbranson y todos los artistas que están apoyando el ingreso de la ayuda humanitaria a #VENEZUELA.Donaciones en www.venezuelaaidlive.com #venezuelalibre

Comment if you see it… ??♀️??

When grandma is stronger than yourself????♀️? -And it makes me wonder: tell me… what’s your excuse again? Get fit with me on the app FITPLAN (AppStore / GooglePlay) I got all my differents workout plans there for YOUR needs. Link in bio! -Wearing new amazing outfit by @one0one_101 -Superwoman: @donageraldabarbosa ????

It’s quite… remarkable ??♀️???♀️


I’m baaaack?? -Thank you so much for ALL YOUR SUPPORT?? I read all you comments, and YOU are what makes my world spin around ? You are the best, all categories ❤️ New, amazing @one0one_101 outfit!!

A two year old injury got worse and worse, and I tried at least 20 different treatments. With an extremely painful 5 day long treatment from a professional soccer player doctor, I am hopefully soon back on track. Today is day 2 of 5.

Set goals… and stick to them! -How about these ab goals: Your 1st goal could be 50 crunches. Your 2nd goal could be 50 V-ups. This exercise could be your goal number…(You say!) Favourite outfit by @one0one_101 ??♀️ -HEY: Tired of crunches and sit-ups? Lots of ab shaping exercises (full workout programs) on MY FITPLAN? (direct link in the bio and website)?️♀️ #YouGotThis ?Music “Take Everything” @garethemery@emmahewittofficial ??

Some politicians and folks on the left in US, Europe and Latam wonder if what is happening in Venezuela is a coup against de facto President Nicolas Maduro. Let’s use an analogy that might help. Imagine a world where US President Donald Trump stacked the Supreme Court and other institutions with political hacks. The midterms come, and Democrats win a resounding 2/3 majority in Congress. Stunned, Trump gets courts to declare Congress null and void, ignores its decisions. Trump then creates another Congress, filled with his own supporters, to pass laws. When there are street protests against this, he sends out National Guard to crack down. More than 100 are killed by security forces. Thousands arbitrarily arrested. Top democratic leaders are arrested or forced into exile. Some are tortured. Trump then heads for re-election. But his administration bars any top Democrat from running. The Democrats boycott the election. Trump holds it anyway and wins! No credible observers are allowed. Even the guy who set up the electronic voting system says there’s fraud. Trump is sworn in by his fake congress. The real Congress, meanwhile, says he’s an illegitimate president. And, according to law, they swear in the head of Congress as the legitimate president until new elections can be held. That interim president is recognized by many nations. Now, is that a coup by the real Congress? Or has the coup already taken place by the president? In a nutshell, that’s what happened in Venezuela. (A clear yet simple explanation of the Venezuelan situation by David Luhnow, Latin America Editor for The Wall Street Journal/Dow Jones)

11/1 2007-1/31 2019❤️? -Micho & Michelle from 2010. Micho, the greatest dog in the world, Michelle’s everything, unfortunately passed away today. (Posted by @jimmy_lewin)

Sunday Funday? -Off to celebrate my girl @yasmincolt

There’s always two sides of every story

#10yearChallenge… More boobies, more waist and so much more wisdom. And hey! I was very close to upload a VERY impactful video from a beauty contest in 2009 (which I lost since I was the fullest girl of them all), but I am not sure I am ready to show it… it’s… hard to see. You won’t recognize me, it’s crazy. But well… 50000 comments saying “YES, DO IT”… and I do it ??? Tag all your friends to make this happen, you have no idea… This picture here is NOTHING compared to the video I’m talking about ???

Blonder than yesterday

Let’s double it! WIN $1000 in ? + 1 year subscription on the app FITPLAN for you and the 3 friends you tag! -All you have to do is (it will take you 2 minutes of your life): 1️⃣Go to the link in my bio and download (for free) the app FITPLAN. 2️⃣Follow these three Instagram accounts: @jimmy_lewin – @one0one_101 – @mealplan_app 3️⃣Tag 3 friends -Check my Instagram Stories in 24 hours to see if you won! Last winner of $500 was @elsajudith? ?Music @GarethEmery @EmmaHewittOfficial“Take Everything”

#BumpCheck ✅ -Still there inspite of my knee injury that never seems to heal… ??

Swim wear season feels far away… but help me to prepare. I might have a SURPRISE: I need good name for a swim wear brand ???? Comment below (be creative)??

(Ganador @elsajudith) Gana $500 en ? + 1 año de suscripción en la aplicación FITPLAN para ti y los 3 amigos que etiquetes! -Todo lo que tienes que hacer es: 1⃣Ir al enlace en mi biografía (pagina web) y descarga GRATIS la aplicación FITPLAN? 2⃣Sigue en Instagram @jimmy_lewin 3⃣Etiqueta 3 amigos. -En 10 horas podrás chequear mis historias de Instagram para ver si ganaste! El último ganador de $500 fue @francisjmc04? ?Musica @GarethEmery @EmmaHewittOfficial“Take Everything”

2012 vs 2019?✌? -No operations, no injections… only a huge amount of discipline. I did it. Now it’s your turn. #YouGotThis #TuPuedesLograrlo

Yes yes YES! Just launched the most complete workout program JUST FOR YOU on the app FITPLAN??♀️ This is the absolutely best and smartest way to get in shape FAST. Download NOW via the link in bio, and start the 7 day FREE trail… Got anything to lose? Nope??♀️ Stop bullshitting yourself and hey! Let’s get it done: #YouGotThis! – I promise. Let me train you as I have done with THOUSANDS… it will be FUN!

✨Happy New Year?? -Feliz y próspero año nuevo??❤️ ???♀️ @jimmy_lewin

GÁNATE 500$ sigue los Siguientes pasos : ?Seguir las siguentes cuentas @michelle_lewin @marko @jimmy_lewin@nangelmenez ?Etiqueta a 2 personas en esta publicación “NO FAMOSAS” Nota : en 2 días entregamos ganador. ? @erickmarquezm Gym @elev8tionfitness

Everyone wants to get in shape… but only a very few will put in the work it takes. Most people start going to the gym and give up after a while. Smart people let me instruct them on the app FITPLAN??♀️ Save money, stop waisting time and get results FAST. Just sayin’??♀️ It’s your call. Are you in?? -So let’s do this, start FOR FREE on my website!

Merry Christmas to you ALL ❤️ -Best wishes from me, my husband his other sidekick ????♀️

Abs are made in the kitchen… but you sure got to work for it too! This is one of my favorite ab exercises. 15 repetitions, 4 sets… and remember to exhale? Need more help? Need a complete workout program? Or maybe a VERY affordable personal trainer? Well, let me train you then! Yes, ME training YOU! Download the app FITPLAN, start any of my plans for free and see how you like it. Download NOW, start when holiday is over (yes, I’m in a Christmas mood too???✌?) -Link in bio! Let’s do this! ? Amazing track by @garethemery@emmahewittofficial #TakeEverything????

Portada de “Los más Exitosos de 2018” de @okvenezuela con la presencia de: @requenacnn @erasmoprovenza@veroschneider @enriqueapalacios@chynomiranda @chimaraslaura@mariemvelazco @giovanniscutaromilan@servandoprimera bajo la dirección de @aletremola y las imágenes hechas por @jesusfoto #OKExitosos2018

This winter’s gonna hurt like a ?

It might be the oldest trick in the world??♀️ -And still probably the best option to get, and maintain, a tight waist. My very own @one0one_101 waist belt (faja) will not burn fat or make you lose weight… it MOULDS the waist? The more you use it, the better result (yes, exactly as the women did a coulple of hundred years ago). And as a bonus, it gives a superb support to your back. Get yours now from @one0one_101: link in bio?

Meant to be

ABSolutely ABSessed much???♀️ -Every muscle group needs to rest 72h or more to recover, and hopefully grow during that time. So hey… don’t overtrain them by doing situps every day (tag someone that should know this). For best results, give the abs what they deserve 2 or 3 times per week. Love this variation with the @LewinFitnessPlatform (Amazon US and MEXICO), fantastic workout tool to have at home. Wearing @one0one_101(check the Christmas promos?Music: New hit by @garethemery and @emmahewittofficial #TakeEverything????

Somewhat yellowish

Privacy, music and some wine

So damn ready

So much love❤️❤️❤️ -Thank you all for coming the the @one0one_101 stand, I had such an amazing time with ya’all?? And I am so sorry for not being able to make it for the first day at @DubaiMuscleShow ? one0one viking: @lasselom ????

Let’s talk about abs, baby??♀️ -You can work out all you want, but if you haven’t got the alimentation 100% under control, how are you then going to reach your goals? You are wasting time, money and energy. Why do you think I created the app “MEALPLAN”? (AppStore) Hey, it’s for YOU! For you to be able to reach your goals much faster by understanding how and what to eat. The @mealplan_app will be your best investment ever. It has developed A LOT during this year. Download now! iPhone iPad only (soon Android) – Direct link on my website!

It looks so easy!??♀️? Now you do it: 9 tight pushups and 5 steps per side: can you do it??? Blue leggings back in stock on @one0one_101 ? Music @zoli_vekony

All in on black ?

It’s a fine line..?? -Not exactly the same pose. However, in THIS pose, no panties would NOT be ok to post here, even though I still would not show the most intimate parts, right? The line is extremely thin, and we all have an opinion on where it’s ok or too much. Open discussion, what do you think?

Better like this?

Here we go! @zoli_vekony reached out to create “Deep House” music together, and have patiently listened to my ideas, requests, inputs and tweeks. The result: #FreeYourMind -Hope you like it!???


Who said you can’t get abs without going to the gym???♀️ -Strong ab work out at home with the AMAZING @LewinFitnessPlatform, outfit @one0one_101 -Music @zoli_vekony

Ya @jimmy_lewin es mas latino que sueco? #ElReyDelMerengue#yLaSalsaPaCuando

It’s Turkey Time ?? -Happy Thanksgiving??

La vida real a veces no es tan glamorosa… -Pero en Instagram siempre!??♀️? @el_mindo ? by @mediadvertising

With some “one legged straight dead lifts” and music by @bryanttmyers, and the booty workout is on fleek. Try it! Wearing @one0one_101 -Check out the early Black Friday SALE✔️ #one0one

Somewhere in the world, people are getting ready for ski season

With my new mealplan on @Mealplan_app, you can stop guessing your meal prep: you will get everything you need to know black on white. Sign up for my mealplan and let me set you up with a customized meal plan based on your personal health goals. Whether you want to lose weight, gain muscle, or reach optimal health, my meal plan for meal prepping will get you there. Get access to over 300 + clean recipes, and customize them based on your calorie intake… Vegan and Vegetarian plans available! Join before January 1st and receive an entire YEAR of my Mealplan App for just $29.99 – Try it FREE for 7 days, link in bio

I worked for it. I’m allowed.

??DUBAI?? -I can’t wait to see you all at the @DubaiMuscleShow! Let’s chat, take some selfies and just have a blast. See you all there, ok??? 7-8th December

Step 2

So let’s just #zumzum the hell out those glutes. And what do we get? A sore but rock hard ? with a ? 4 sets, 15 repetitions per leg. Green outfit by @one0one_101 ? The ZumZumming by @NattiNatasha ? @DaddyYankee ? @PlanBlive ? @PinaRecords1 ?@rkmYkeny ? @ArcAngel

It’s Monday, folks? And we are back in the office, getting s**t done

Girls Twerk. And congratulations guys, now it’s your turn? #ElBaileDelChorizo(Name the dance) #SundayEntertainmentAtItsFinest

On a gray scale, is it a 3 or a 4?

After a long day at @bodypowerexpowith @one0one_101 in Birmingham ?? this shot was taken of an exhausted but happy me. Thank you @muscleandfitnesshersuk, love you guys? UK, see you next @bodypowerexpook??? ?@harpendenstudios

You said “go back to black”??♀️ -Me has dicho que “regresara al negro?”

When you wanna train glutes but doggie wants love?? -This one one of my best booty builder tricks (from my “Booty Perfection/Gluteos Perfectos” on app FITPLAN? AppStore/GooglePlay) 4 sets, 20 reps? Outfit: All Green Everything by @one0one_101

SPOT the weekend??#FreckleOverdose #GuiltyAF

⌛️ @one0one_101

¿Qué tenemos en común? -Name one thing we have in comon! ??♀️? @bryanttmyers @deja_vu_hair_studio

Sometimes I can do 10 of these! Today I couldn’t?(Outfit @one0one_101) ¡A veces puedo hacer 10 de estos! Hoy no pude??♀️