Made my day to look at animals as they are so well treated here ❤❤ Visit the little (and big) fellows here @royalsafari_garden
Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention

Bertepatan dengan International Women’s Day 8 Maret 2019, 28 perempuan hebat Indonesia mengulurkan tangan mereka untuk sebuah kampanye bertajuk #IAmTrulyWoman, yang dituangkan dalam sebuah instalasi foto kolaborasi antara Diera Bachir @dierabachir & Koalisi Indonesia Cegah Kanker Serviks (KICKS) @cegahkankerserviks_id.Merespon fakta bahwa saat ini 50 perempuan Indonesia meninggal setiap hari karena kanker serviks, #IAmTrulyWoman ingin menginpirasi perempuan Indonesia tentang peran besar mereka di kehidupan dan tergugah untuk melindungi diri dan menjaga kesehatannya melawan kanker serviks. Saksikan visualisasi inspirasi 28 perempuan #IAmTrulyWoman: @ Atrium Plaza Indonesia, Level 4 8-15 Maret 2019 Credits: Photographer: Diera Bachir @dierabachir Stylist: Caroline Meliala @carolinemeliala MUA: @victoria_makeupatelier Wardrobe: Jii by Gloria Agatha @jiigloria#IAmTrulyWoman#CervicalCancerCannotBeatMe#CegahKankerServiks #IWD2019www.cegahkankerserviks.org www.dierabachir.com

Setiap hari shooting mengharuskan rambutku untuk tetap keliatan bagus dan badai, akhirnya aku nemuin Sunsilk Thick & Long yang bikin aku tetap punya #RambutBadai ?, kandungan Biotin dan Aloe Veranya bantu pertumbuhan rambutku jadi tebal dan panjang! yuk buruan beli Sunsilk Thick & Long! Oh ya, jangan lupa ikutin #SeberapaBadaiChallenge dari Sunsilk yaa, periode 18 Februari-31 Maret 2019. Hadiahnya liburan gratis ke Labuan Bajo dan voucher belanja total jutaan rupiah! caranya: 1. Follow @sunsilkid 2. Beli produk Sunsilk Thick & Long ukuran apa aja, simpan struknya dan upload di kompetisirambutbadaisunsilk.co.id 3. Upload foto/video kreasi #RambutBadaikamu ke Instagram 4. Tulis apa saja yang bisa kamu lakukan dengan #RambutBadaidi caption, dengan hashtag #SeberapaBadaiChallenge #RambutBadai 5. Mention @sunsilkid dan tag 3 teman kamu Pastikan outfit kamu berwarna pink dan ada Sunsilk Thick & Long pada foto/videonya yaa! Kalau mau tau lebih lanjut, klik disini https://www.sunsilk.co.id/kisah/kompetisi-rambut-badai.html ! gampang kan?! yukk ikutan! Yang udah pada ikutan comment dibawah ya!

It’s a throwback! the first night at Osaka turns out to be one of the best! We visited a speakeasy-concept bar. The entrance is hidden behind a mirror, a must-visit if you come around this area, Nayuta Bar ? #TravelWithMilaEnzy
Bar Nayuta

So happy and thankful for this trip, foremost the people I went with! And much much gratitude for @japanlocaltripto guide us around, thank you @digumpp!

Now, to enjoy one splendid cup of coffee is just a walk away… In my own house! – Loving #NespressoID Forte! You can quickly tell that the grounds are quality bean with rich and deep aroma spreading accross the room ? this one’s my cup of coffee ☕ @nespresso

Liburan di Jepang kmrn bener2 happy bgt sih.. salah satunya krn aku pergi kemanapun tetep bisa internetan pake @wifirepublic, dari ujung ke ujung wifinya tetep lancar dan unlimited yang gapake lemot! So glad I’m travelling with wifi republic! Stress-free without bad signal problem!! . @japanlocaltrip

Launched!! @nespresso is here in Indonesia ❤?? Attended nespresso opening and it is pure bliss. If you’re a coffee lover- much like us, you’ll be thrilled to get quality and simplicity at one go ☕ experience your own favorites here at the boutique located at Plaza Indonesia ☺ #NespressoID

Pulang dari gym di daerah Jl. Jend. Sudirman Jakarta, liat ada yang menarik perhatian. Gedungnya paling tinggi di antara gedung lain dan bentuknya unik! Langsung minggir dan cari tau ternyata #MenaraAstra ? Foto bareng dulu deh… Btw selamat ulang tahun yang ke-62 Astra, semoga terus dapat menginspirasi negeri kita tercinta ini! @SATU_Indonesia #KitaSATUIndonesia

Masih melewati valentine sendiri krn ga punya pacar? thats okay! rayain valentine’s day bareng sahabat atau keluarga ajaa.. rayain hr kasih sayang ga harus sama pacar kok, yang penting ttp happy! ? Btw, yuk ikutan challenge terbaru @tiktokofficialindonesia#JombloHappyAja di TikTok karena bakal ada hadiah spesial buat kalian yg beruntung!

My Leo twinsies ? #travelwithMilaEnzy#wintertrip

I wanna be as extra as this gold coated ice cream ? . Wishing you all who celebrate it, Happy Chinese New Year ❤ May this year be golden as well ✨ . ? by @japanlocaltrip

☀ In tropical sun and in white winter snow, they are the person to be with ❄ lensed by @japanlocaltrip

The bustling street with many food to eat and stuff to shop!

THEME PARK MY KRYPTONITE ?? SELALU BGT overload happiness kalau pergi ke theme park! Can you see it from my expression? I’m feeling the freedom to act like a child again! ?

Worried for my friends who isn’t feeling too good, get well soon alright ? ? For others do stay healthy! Air and weather isn’t so great these days ?

a feather who floats, an arrow who bolt. . Photographer: @agussantosoyang . Stylist: @carolinemeliala . MakeUp Artist: @archangelachelsea . Dress: @prapara.id

Pagi-pagi udah bikin senyum! How can I not? @Nespresso has finally arrived at Plaza Indonesia ? Mulai dari pilihan kopi sampai coffee machines.. bikin galau milihnyaaa! Now I could easily make a great coffee in my own house ☕❤#NespressoID

SUPER HAPPY FOR MY BABE! Congratulations for @dindaraihan the bride to be ❤️ selamat deg-degan menanti hari spesial yg udah makin deket inii dan siap2 buat #ABIsinDin ! ??

Cuaca selalu berubah, mood juga ga selamanya selalu baik. Tapi senangnya di cuaca apapun, tetap bisa bikin mood happy dengan streaming lagu, baca online, atau nonton pakai internet @smartfrenworld! Jangan lupa! Pakai Paket Super 4G Unlimited pasti banget #GoUnlimited ⚡⚡

absolute comfort place with super nice company ? (psst, she’s the chef and the owner, a girl boss!) @manje_jkt

When it rains hard, we hope on a day where the sun takes the flood all away. But when it is scorching hot, the rain will come and pour you a blessing. In the end, it’s all about a life of balance. Be grateful of every laughter and every tear! ❤️

Happy Weekday! (yes lets also be happy for days full of activity and work hard!)

You think I find it by chance? (it’s actually by fate) dressed in: @applesuccesshop

We’re Leos! who’s with us? ♌ ?

Loving the shimmer on my dress and my cheek highlight ✨ . Photographer: @agussantosoyang . Stylist: @carolinemeliala . MakeUp Artist: @archangelachelsea . Dress: @michaelkors .

location: besides my mood booster! ily @gracelaveronica ❤️

Lowkey wishing these roses are in a bouquet ?

Oh babe ?

Bali got me so smiley ??

My tropical babe and Leo mate since highschool ??

To my beloved friends, family, and closed ones, to the cast and crews of Mata Batin who have been very hard-working up to this day. Thank you for making it happen, thank you for being the support system that encourage me day-to-day. Special Thanks to Pak @rocksoraya as The Director and Congratulations for breaking MURI record! ?? 4 masterpiece one after another reaching audience above 1 Million people, that’s something to applaud ??.#MataBatin2 soon in theaters – January 17, 2019 . dress : @renzilazuardi bag : @maisonvalentino @time.internationaljewellery : @dominiquejewellery makeup : @rhaydavidmakeup hair : @revalhairstylist styled by : @wanda_haraa

breathe ?

Kita sempet mau nonton youtube, pas bgt wifinya lagi slow. tapi kita ga bete, karena pakai @smartfrenworld Paket Super 4G Unlimited ⚡lancar tanpa batas, ga khawatir kelewat video-video favorit kita! #GoUnlimited

Red for bravery, Red for welcoming the days ahead in strength and courage. . Photographer: @agussantosoyang . Stylist: @carolinemeliala . MakeUp Artist: @archangelachelsea Dress: @michaelkors . Coat: @laperlaindonesia

my breakfast isn’t floating, but it’s gone soon after this pic ☕?

Aku hobi bgt travelling, salah satu hal yg bs bikin tambah happy saat travelling adl dengerin musik! Apalagi streaming lagu favorit skr ga usah lagi khawatir kuota habis, pakai Paket Super 4G Unlimited @smartfrenworld aku bisa streaming lagu sepuasnya ? Let’s #GoUnlimitedBtw rekomendasi lagu favorit kamu dong! ?

dress and sneakers i’m good to go, who’s with me? ? @applesuccesshop

“so why dont we go only somewhere we know”

Update hari ini: Kuota tetap lancar meskipun dipakai internetan seharian! Seneng banget karena sudah #GoUnlimited dengan Paket Super 4G @smartfrenworld ✨✨??

Now a bath, soon is breakfast! ? @thehavenbaliberawa

The more years passing by, the more I learn. Happiness have to be earned ? Happy New Year everyone!

the art of life is being balanced. to think about the future, but not to worry. to remember the past, but not to dwell in it. to be in the moment of the present, but not to be unaware. life is good. and I realize when I’m balanced. ? : @julesthelabel_

TWINNING GOAL! suka bgt our matching sandals and bag from @temalisandals and @bagsi.id

I love travelling to places, experiencing new things, any recommendations where to go next? komen dibawah ya rekomendasi kalian ❤️ Earrings which I also adore from: @sparkl.inc ✨✨

I love greeneries, but much like how I love the ocean blue ❤️ sceneries by: mother earth wardrobe by: @julesthelabel_

when life gives you lemon, with sugar and honey on top!

The trees and the sky is one of the whys im in love with Bali ?? @theanvayabeachresortbali . . lensed by @wayneocvaldo

Probably a routine I’m accustomed to by now #floatingbreakfast@theanvayabeachresortbali . lensed by @wayneocvaldo

Happiest to spend my Christmas with my momma (read: best friend!) here’s some pictures of a tropical Christmas celebration ???

When visiting Bali, never miss a chance to enjoy a night at @thechediclubtanahgajah . The comfortable room paired with amazing activities you can do (hot air balloon ride, floating breakfast, and more amazing experiences) makes staying here more than ordinary! (swipe my post for performance of Kecak!) To top it all off, I was wearing gorgeous dress by @julesthelabel_ ✨✨ #thechediclubtanahgajah #GHMhotels#lhwtraveler #thechediexperience

always feel better if you went back to nature ? this is a must-try in a lifetime: spa with a view of rice paddy.#thechediclubtanahgajah #GHMhotels#lhwtraveler #thechediexperience@thechediclubtanahgajah @ghmhotels@leadinghotelsoftheworld