
Gal Gadot

2天 之前
הלב כואב. מתפללת לימים של שקט ושלום. ??

5天 之前
So true. #holocaustremembranceday#alberteinstein #weremember

7天 之前
If someone would have told me what was gonna happen the next 34 years I would’ve laughed like this.. Thanks so much for the birthday wishes. Sending you light, love and good energy. #grateful

7天 之前
Follow @eva.stories

10天 之前
Last touch up ?? @revlon

13天 之前
Peace Over Violence developed the Denim Day campaign in response to a case that occurred in Italy in 1992 and the activism surrounding it. Since then, wearing jeans on Denim Day has become a symbol of protest and awareness against erroneous and destructive attitudes about sexual harassment, abuse, assault and rape. In this sexual violence prevention and education campaign they ask community members, elected officials, businesses, and students to make a social statement with their fashion statement by wearing jeans on this day as a visible means of protest against the misconceptions that surround sexual violence. #denimdayPhoto by: Matthias Vriens Mcgrath

14天 之前
My heart is so happy being home with family and friends for the holidays. ♥️❤️❤️ … Photo by: @dudihasson1

15天 之前
Cooking one big hug.. ?❤️?‍♀️

20天 之前
#WonderChildrenWednesdayone of my favorite days on set was when all these WONDERful children and their families from the Light of Hope organization came to set. I was so excited to spend the day with/get to know each one of them personally and hear their stories. …. …. This organization has been working for the last 18 years supporting, accompanying, and assisting children with cancer and their families.  It is operated by hundreds of dedicated volunteers and provides a range of services for sick children and their families: Including fulfillment of wishes, family / group vacation days, dream birthdays in hospitals, professional workshops for hospitalized children, financial support for families, and assisting with getting the proper medicine they may not be able to get. Please see the link in my bio to see how you can help these beautiful families out.@lights_of_hope_israel

22天 之前
Ready for wherever the road might take me. #FloatrideEnergy

22天 之前
Happy anniversary baby❤️ love you so freaking much that I learned how to ski for you.. (God knows how much I don’t like the cold..) 555 @jaronvarsano ? by @rosshinkle

27天 之前
These are my Bisous for Léo! I hope you’ll send him yours too. Léo has an incredibly rare genetic disorder called INAD, often referred to as “Parkinson’s mixed with Alzheimer’s for kids.” It’s an absolutely horrific diagnosis as there are currently no treatments or cures. We’re hoping to change that; every dollar helps and every kiss spreads awareness for INAD. Please post your own bisous and donate at BisousForLeo.org so we can help save his life and kiss INAD goodbye.#BisousForLéo ? @bisousforleo

27天 之前
Night out in Toronto ??

30天 之前
SHAZAMING! the world!!! ??‍♀??‍♀ Congratulations on  opening weekend! This movie is so fun, you all need to see it! So proud of you @zacharylevi! Welcome to the universe brother! We’ve been waiting for you. Celebrating you from 8,000 ft. ⛷

1个月 之前
Here I go… ⛷️?️?#guesswherethisis

2月 之前
My favorite villain ? #WW1984

2月 之前
Throwback to Paris – Me through the eyes of @mmmwa ??❤️

2月 之前
I am happy to celebrate a day like International Women’s Day. Just as long as we see equality the rest of the 364 days of the year. Cheers to all and to a great fabulous future to all of us❤️

2月 之前
Merci beaucoup @givenchyofficial for spoiling me this weekend in the most romantic city in the world. @clarewaightkeller and the entire team, the show was absolutely AMAZING. You inspired me. Bravo??

2月 之前
Wow so excited to be nominated for a #KCA for Shank! Thank you @Nickelodeon! ?

3月 之前
Wow, this image takes me back! The amazing Zack Snyder took it on the first day we ever met. He believed I could be a superhero. Then I became Wonder Woman! #icansoidid

3月 之前
I can, so I did. This is @revlonnewest campaign championing women’s achievements, big and small. ? #icansoidid

3月 之前
My one and only. My man. My best friend. My partner. My everything. Love you forever❤️ ?@dudihasson1

3月 之前
Happy #galentinesday day to all the gals out there! ????

3月 之前
True strength is believing in ourselves. Join me and the women making change. #BeMoreHuman

