#Regram #RG @cnnbusiness: Climate change is likely to cost the world’s largest public companies nearly $1 trillion over the next five years. But the opportunities for new products and services to reduce environmental damage could be worth much more. A survey published Tuesday suggests that growing demand for low-emission products and shifts in consumer preferences could generate over $2 trillion for leading businesses. Hit the link in our bio to learn more.

#Regram #RG @lionrecovery: The Makame Wildlife Management Area in northern Tanzania is rich with the Maasai culture and abundant with wildlife. But living alongside lions is not easy and creates many challenges for traditional pastoralists to keep their livestock safe. LRF Director @petelindseyafrica recently made a trip to this area to visit our partner @honeyguide_tz to see how they are tackling these issues. Click the link in our bio to learn why we’re hopeful this area will become critically important for wildlife. Photo: @jackdswenson #lions#lionrecovery #tanzania#conservation #wildlife#bigcatsofinstagram

#IceOnFire is now streaming on @hbo. I hope audiences will be inspired to take action to protect our planet. Special thank you to director Leila Conners and everyone that helped bring this project to life.

In theaters July 26th. #OnceUponATimeInHollywood

#IceOnFire, which I produced and narrated, highlights the firsthand accounts of the experts on the forefront of the climate crisis. Premieres tomorrow June 11 on @hbo.

#Regram #RG@extinctionrebellion: This is Mia, she’s a 13-year-old climate activist. You may have seen her at the @xr_youth Heathrow action during #InternationalRebellion ‘I joined XR Youth during Rebellion Week as I realised we are the ones who can make the change. Being part of XR Youth has given me so much hope, as there is so much passion and care shown. We have a voice, and together we are louder.’ Photo from #FacesOfTheFuture series by @taltakingpics Reposted from @xr_youth #xryouth#ExtinctionRebellion#climatestrike#schoolstrike4climate#youngactivist #humansofxr#xrinternational #climatestrike#climatejustice #globalwarming#ecologicalbreakdown#ecologicalconsciousness#climatecollapse #climatechange#climatechangeisreal#rebelforlife #xr #extinction

Follow a team of scientists, activists, journalists, and undercover agents as they fight to save the vaquita from extinction. Watch the official trailer for @seaofshadows, a Terra Mater production in association with Appian Way. In select theaters 7/12/19. #WorldOceansDay

Studies show that 35-50% of the ocean must be protected to meet biodiversity protection and sustainability goals, yet only 2% of the world’s ocean is currently in fully to high protected marine reserves. On this #WorldOceansDay, use the link in bio to sign the #GlobalDealForNature to demand increased protections for our oceans.

It has become clear that beyond 1.5⁰C average rise in global temperature, the biology of the planet becomes gravely threatened as ecosystems begin to unravel. Sign the #GlobalDealForNature petition by clicking the link in bio to urge world leaders to protect our ecosystems for generations to come.

Did you know that only 15% of the world’s lands are protected? We need nature for our continued existence on the planet. Link in bio to sign the #GlobalDealForNaturepetition urging world leaders to protect half of the Earth’s lands.

#Regram #RG @unenvironment: Green ? is Gold ? The Green Rural Revival Program is working to improve lives, livelihoods and the environment. Instead of relying on heavily polluting industries, the focus is on win-wins for people and planet like eco-tourism. Explore more in our Stories ☝️ #BeatAirPollution#WorldEnvironmentDay

#Regram #RG @natgeo: Photo by Paul Nicklen @PaulNicklen | An Antarctic fur seal relaxes atop a cliff overlooking the Subantarctic landscape of South Georgia. Having reached shore after a winter spent at sea, this seal arrived with the intention to breed among the thousands of seals that inhabit the island’s beaches. Although the species was once in severe danger from overhunting, their population has rebounded significantly in recent years, with their numbers now likely in the millions. #FollowMeat @PaulNicklen for more photos of wildlife from around the world. #furseal #SouthGeorgia#conservation #ocean

#Regram #RG @care2: If we don’t act quickly, giraffes could disappear forever. Link in bio.

#Regram #RG@int.anti.poaching.foundation: Our wildlife is a global responsibility. We’re all in. Why should you be? Read the article in National Geographic to find out. Link in bio.

#Regram #RG@worldeconomicforum: East Timor is a tiny country with huge dreams. #plastic #waste#recycling #environment #asia

#Regram #RG @guardian: Daze Aghaji is a 19-year-old-student running to become one of the youngest ever members of European parliament. “I am trying to do something. To be part of a new politics, part of the new world that I want to see. “She is also a member of climate activist group @ExtinctionRebellion and is seeking to make the environmentalist space more inclusive. “There is such an image here of black people not being involved in environmental stuff. We need to break that stigma of it being so white [in the UK].” Photo: Graeme Robertson . . . . .#climatecrisis #MEPS#extinctionrebellion #activism#student #europe #elections#race

#Regram #RG @everydayclimatechange: Monarch butterflies migrate annually from Mexico and California to the northern US and Canada. Multiple facets of climate change are contributing to the variation in migratory patterns and population size. Global warming adversely affects monarchs’ reproductive cycles and development at all stages of life, and delays the butterflies’ natural instincts to make moves. Coupled with increased storms, rain, and high winds, the migration is greatly disrupted. This great journey is further impeded by the declining availability of the monarch’s main food source and breeding place: milkweed. Increasing temperatures and periods of drought are making it harder for this plant to grow. Illegal logging and land-use changes are limiting the space where it can flourish. Farmers’ use of herbicide-resistant varieties of crops allows for more liberal spraying of herbicides and pesticides. This helps control weeds in their fields but also depletes the natural habitat for butterflies. Monarchs pollinate plants, like milkweed, and allow them to flourish. Without these pollinators the natural food web and human food systems are damaged. This unique migratory process is not only a spectacular sight, but has far-reaching effects on larger ecosystems. #everydayclimatechange#monarchbutterfly #mexico #biosphere#Michoacan #mariposa#ReservadelaBiosferadelaMariposaMonarca#SantuarioElRosario

#Regram #RG @time: The world is listening to @gretathunberg.Organizers estimate that on March 15, a remarkable 1.6 million people in 133 countries participated in a climate strike inspired by the 16-year-old Swedish activist’s solo action—mostly students who walked out of #school for a few minutes, an hour or a full day of #protest.Since then, the walkouts have continued, with students around the world united by the #FridaysForFuture and #YouthStrike4Climate hashtags. Thunberg attributes her determination to her diagnosis of Asperger’s, a mild form of autism spectrum disorder. “It makes me see the world differently. I see through lies more easily,” she says. “I don’t like compromising. For me, it’s either you are #sustainable or not—you can’t be a little bit sustainable.” Her openness about her diagnosis, and willingness to share about her experiences of depression, anxiety and eating disorders, are another reason why many see Thunberg as a role model. “To be different is not a weakness. It’s a strength in many ways, because you stand out from the crowd.” Thunberg is in the 2019 class of Next Generation Leaders, featuring rising stars in politics, technology, culture, science, sports and entertainment. Read more, and see the full list, at the link in bio. Video by @streiffert for TIME.

#Regram #RG@worldeconomicforum: Mexico City produces 13,000 tonnes of waste every day. #mexico #waste#pollution #environment #nature

Focusing on never-before-seen solutions to the environmental crisis, #IceOnFire, which I produced and narrated, premieres June 11 at 8PM on @hbo.