Took this selfie in the Dead Sea. Surprisingly the water is green, and even more shocking; I have a goat beard ?
Dead Sea البحر الميّت

One house at a time #LoveArmyMexio???? • Ella es Berta, el día que le entregamos la casa a su hijo estuvimos platicando por horas. Hay veces que conoces personas con las que puedes hablar y hablar y el tiempo vuela, Berta es una de ellas. Tuvimos la deliciosa oportunidad de probar su atole y tortas. Cuando nos despedimos, me tomó de las manos y me dijo que ella sería mi ángel guardián. Nunca nadie me había dicho eso. Fue un sentimiento súper bonito y diferente. Cómo un apoyo incondicional de amor y buena energía para siempre. Es de esas cosas que no sabes exactamente qué se sienten hasta que te lo dicen. Gracias Berta por cuidarme, por ser un Alma llena de luz y buena energía. Que sepas que ésta es una memoria que quedó y quedará muy sembrada dentro de mi el resto de mi vida ✨. Nos vemos pronto, en mi siguiente visita a Ocuilan. • Seguimos trabajando ???? | pic by @arturoplataa
Ocuilan, Mexico, Mexico

Missing Africa? | Where do you want to travel?
Nairobi, Kenya

Spider-Juan ? (SWIPE) • I’ve always been a huge marvel fan, and in my last day of my trip to NYC this idea just hit me. Peter Parker is from Queens so I thought why not look for a legit costume and give it a try. It was my last day there and the sun was setting, we found the costume but the two boots were broken, either way we got it and pinned them in the back ?. This picture was taken literally outside the costume store because we were running out of light, we were extremely lucky we had the Empire State and the classic NYC smoke. I’d say the best part of this experience was seeing the kids reactions (picture 3). They legit thought I was him ???, and it was the best sensation ever. I even changed my voice and said “Yes, I’m friendly neighborhood Spiderman”. For a second I actually believed I was him, and for someone who was been reading comics since I have memories, made this day one of my favorites ever. But you know… With great power comes great responsibility ?. Tag a marvel fan ⬇️ • By the legend @care_much
New York, New York

Every time I see an icy environment it blows my mind, it’s so majestic; colors the symmetry and the textures. Very cool, literally ❄️ | by @care_much

Dos con todo por favor ? | by @care_much
La Esquina

Buenos días Nueva York ☕️ – by @care_much
SoHo, Manhattan

Backstage NYFW? Glad I met you @dylansprouse ?? | by @care_much
New York, New York

Valentine’s Day ? w/ @hannahstocking@kingbach @taylorcutfilms@directedbystro TAG SOMEONE THAT GOT MESSED UP BY CUPID ?
Cupid’s Bow

New York… a city that has always blown my mind. Never would have thought I was gonna meet my girl here, and now by coincidence – to be here in San Valentin. Happy Valentine’s Day loca @carmellarose ?
New York, New York

Back in The big apple for NYFW 2019, thank you @boss

Experiencing a shot of tequila for the first time ? w/ @twan@trackabangbang
The Fiesta

One of the most magical moments of my life. It’s so crazy to be next to these majestic creatures, so powerful but yet so peaceful.

The story behind “Cheers” ? – W/ @spence @directedbystro – TAG A FRIEND YOU WOULD CHEER WITH ⬇️

Been enjoying my city these past couple days… swipe to see more about Mexico ?? | by @care_much

#LoveArmyMexico | SWIPE ?? – Ella es Ivonne. Aún recuerdo cuando le enseñamos su maqueta (SWIPE) y no lo podía creer. La luz y gratitud en sus gestos es de las cosas más bonitas que he presenciado. Gracias Ivonne por abrirnos tus puertas con amor, paciencia y con tus deliciosos tacos. Hoy finalmente es el día en que te entregamos tus llaves. Gracias a todos ustedes por hacer esto posible. Gracias Ivonne por tu confianza. Una casa más, una familia mas. Y no nos detendremos. – Seguiremos trabajando ⛑

FELIZ CUMPLEAÑOS LOST TWIN @hannahstocking ! One of the funniest girls I know, fiesta tonight malaka! • by @jessicache

Aqua Juan ? By @care_much


WE HAVE A WAX FIGURE ?? WELCOME TO THE REVOLUTION TENEMOS UNA FIGURA DE CERA!!! • No lo puedo creer! Después de 1 año de guardar este secreto, por fin esta aquí! Quiero agradecerle al Museo de Cera por haberle dado un lugar a persona como yo, con una carrera diferente. Hoy en día todavía hay industrias que no nos dan ese lugar y esto va a abrir muchas puertas para todos nosotros, es verdaderamente un honor poder compartir un espacio con las demás personalidades que están aquí. Gracias por creer en esta nueva generación y por ser parte de nuestra historia. Bienvenidos a la revolución, qué viva el internet. • Sigamos rompiendo Zuricatas ?

Am I the only one who can’t punch in dreams? Tag someone if you do too ? w/ @twan @hannahstocking@directedbystro

24 hours in Merida, had to swim in a Cenote ? • by @care_much

SWIPE AND SWIPE AGAIN! | Wonder how we still fit in these ?

Tag that friend that “borrows” everything ? w/ @lelepons

Ready to go all in this 2019 ? | Please read ⬇️ • The past couple years have been very spontaneous decision making, going with the flow and making every opportunity count at the most. Because of that I’ve been able to travel the world and develop myself in different branches, we’ve done acting, modeling, DJ-ing, and the other “skills” that come from being a content creator. It’s been an amazing adventure, but this year things are gonna change. 2019 is gonna be a year of choosing LESS projects and doing MORE in them. Even though there’s a beautiful world map behind me, this year I’m aiming to travel less, prioritizing writing, filming and acting and pushing my discipline to an extent I’ve never done before. Take even bigger sacrifices and fully commit to learn and become better / stronger everyday in my main skills. I usually had a “cease a fire” type of lifestyle were I would only attend a responsibility when it was the most urgent one, and I kept doing that over and over, like turning off little fires that appear in your garden. This year it’s gonna change, this year it’s about planning, being 20 steps ahead and using time efficiently. I believe “spontaneous” and “routine” are equally important, it just depends what is going on in your life to choose which one suits better. I’m really excited for this year and what we will accomplish. Lots of surprises coming… you guys will always be my fuel and I promise to never stop. Time to get things to the next level ⚡️

LETS KEEP FLYING! 20M CELEBRATION! • (Tag someone that would love to do this ?) – by @eljuanpazurita x @arturoplataa

FAMILY, WE ARE 20.000.0000 ? It’s never about the numbers but the amount of people my work is able to reach and touch. And if we take a second to digest it, 20M is an unbelievable amount of people… this journey has taken me to a place I never thought I’d be, I just want to say I’m grateful, humbled and hungry to keep working and entertaining more, be better every day. Let’s keep flying ?? ———— Nunca se ha tratado de los números, si no la cantidad de gente que mi trabajo puede llegar a tocar. Y si tomamos un segundo y lo digerimos, 20M es una cantidad surreal de personas. Esta aventura me ha llevado a lugares que nunca pensé estar, solo quiero decir que estoy agradecido y con hambre de seguir trabajando, entreteniendo y ser mejor todos los días. Sigamos volando ??

Spent a couple days disconnected recharging the soul, dreaming with@jeromejare for this year. With the help of all of you, we’ve been able to aid Somalia, Mexico and the Rohingya as #LoveArmy with over 9M raised. 2019 will be a year of a bigger change, bigger dreams and taking action like never before … be ready ?❤️

Every book has its last chapter… goodbye Dubai. What an incredible young city. Really inspired by how much it has evolved in only 40 years, using creativity and technology as main ingredients. Very exciting to see what a blooming society can accomplish these days. Can’t wait to be back. – JZ

It’s been a long way #10yearchallenge


Capadocia ? | To be honest I had no clue of the existence of this place in the map and now it has become one of the most fantastic spots I’ve visited. Kadar güzel ve büyülü bir yer

Traveling with family is the best thing in the world, love u @andymtzurita ?

PETRA ? • This one absolutely blew my mind… it’s 40 meters tall, craved into stone in the middle of the desert in the middle of the rocks! Experts say locals lived here to to remain unseen from their enemies. What are your theories?! ?

Dead Sea ☠️ | @andymtzurita The amount of minerals in this place makes it impossible to sink, also the mud in the bottom is amazing for you skin. So crazy all the things you can find across the world. Quick tip, don’t get it in your mouth or eyes. It’s absolute pain ?

Seeing what is left from ancient society always makes me wonder what really happened and how, I feel like even knowing what we know there’s still a mystery that will remain secret for ever ?

The Great Mosque ? ? • It absolutely blows my mind how traveling can make your brain “restart”. Every single place comes with a different story and a different purpose. A different how, what and why. I just love the fact that the more you travel the more you realize there is no correct or incorrect, perfect or imperfect, everything just exists, with a purpose. ?

The desert… such a peculiar place. With the dunes shaped perfectly by air and it’s extreme changing temperature, really makes it one of the most surreal places I’ve been. The never ending sand perspective is beautiful.

Something not a lot of people know is that I grew up playing “Padel”, it eventually became my favorite sport. Although it’s not very known in the US, it’s really big in Mexico, South America and Europe. But never in a million years I would have thought in Dubai!… and even less, play with this amazing human @faz3. Thank you so much for the invitation. You have a very special and beautiful country ??. Makes me so happy to see that paddle is an emerging sport in your home. See you soon my friend ?

First Sunset of 2019 at the tallest building in the world. Clear sight for new goals. Lots of excitement. ?

HAPPY NEW YEAR FROM THE FAM! • Closing the year with my family in an unbelievable trip. I couldn’t be more grateful and happy. This 2018 was the best year of my life. So many new experiences; acting, modeling, opening Acapella stores, building houses together… it’s been a dream. I just wanna take the time to thank you guys so much for supporting me and tagging along my adventures. Never in a million years I could have thought I was gonna spend New Years in Dubai with all my family. You guys made it happen, thank you. I hope 2019 is a year full of happiness, success, and most importantly passion. I only wish that every single one of you achieve the impossible. Because thanks to you, I have. From my family to yours, Happy new year. Let’s go crush 2019 ? •@visit.dubai

Wearing my Kandura for the first time, feeling the breeze between the legs is amazing. Now let’s talk about Camels. Learned a little bit about them today. They run up to 60km per hour, can spend 30 days without food and water and they are amazing. I shall name this one Spirit.

I call this “Dubai in a nutshell”. • Not a big fan of materialism but definitely of living new experiences. Driving this car through the sandy roads with camels felt like a movie. I couldn’t believe when I saw Paco (I named him Paco) just chilling walking next to us, enjoying the desert sun. It’s just so amazing how the world can surprise you everyday. I hope to -camel- lot here in the future. – Yes, that was a joke. ?

India meets México in Dubai. आई लव यू इंडिया एंड उर्वशी ??⚡️??

Hello Dubai and hello to the tallest building in the world! ? • I can’t believe I am here! Been dreaming about this trip for months now. Thank you @visit.dubaifor the amazing welcome ??

When you spend Christmas in the airport. ? • Merry Christmas to every single one of you! Hope you got a lot of gifts ?

Cheesiest post of my life but yet then again it’s Christmas. Feliz Navidad everyone! I appreciate your support everyday. Enjoy the time with the Fam ?

“When you forget the name of a friend.” W/ @adamw @spence @directedbystro(TAG UR BFF!)

And I declare you roommate & roommate.

Christmas fiestas are the best ❄️ | by @bryant

Sweater weather ❄️

Trust me @carmellarose, It’ll be a casual lunch.