This #WorldWildlifeDay, I’m teaming up with UN Environment’s campaigns #WildForLife and #CleanSeas to protect the endangered coral. I’ve been joining my husband on diving trips & have found a new love for the beauty of the underwater world & coral species. Find your kindred marine species at @unenvironment

My dearest daughter, thank you for unlocking the strength within me in your own delicate ways ❤️

Marble lagi ikut lomba, Malaka galau kesepian..

Throwback to Udaipur, January 2018 ??

I didn’t realize a tiny baby would need so much stuff ? I had so much fun making my baby registry while learning a lot at @mothercareindo ❤️ #senangnyajadiibu

Happy bday dijeee! Sending you all the positive energy and love from the universe ✨ @diphabarus

Thank you 2018 for all the blessings. As always, I have only 1 resolution; to be a better version of myself each passing year. Can’t wait to see how life-changing 2019 is gonna be. Happy new year everyone! Much love to all ❤️

Long time no glam! Today’s shoot ?

And thank you to baby daddy @hamishdw for making me feel special and beautiful during this massive (& very hormonal) transitional period of my life. I love you ❤️

Thank you loved ones ❤️ Berhasil menyembunyikan ini smua dr seorang detektif itu sungguh luar biasa, asli kaget tanpa ada geer2 kali ini. Mwah!

Soooo… This happened today! Thank you to my loved ones who made me feel very very special today ❤️ me so happyyy!!

Happy kid ❤️

Thanks everyone for listening to my records this year!! Tulis di comment dongg laguku yg paling sering kamu dengerin tahun ini ❤️ Much love!!

Terimakasih untuk musisi musisi luar biasa yg turut menyumbangkan waktu dan talentanya untuk #raisafermataconcert ❤️ Buat @msteffiano yg selalu jd target stress-an gue, makasi udh selalu bikin gue tenang dan bener2 bikin smuanya jadi kyk yg ada dalam bayangan gue (bahkan lebih!), @harispranowo jagoanku, salah satu yg paling lama main bareng gue~ you’re like a brother to me, & in terms of music, gaada “Raisa” yg skrg tanpa lo. Pasti selama gue liburan, lo akan tetep gue gangguin buat bikin lagu ato cover! Haha! @rishanda @adeavery@jessimates @nieahoy @dhikadyuta I learn so much from all of you, you guys complete me dan ngasih energi yg luar biasa dibelakang gue setiap kali manggung. Kalo gaada kalian rasanya kyk naik tangga tp gaada pegangan; bisa, cm kikuk & ga ngerasa aman. Thank you @devinzakendranata buat pijetnya (tetepp) dan akustikan cantiknya di panggung. Thank you @ifa_fachir untuk aransemen stringsnya, you really really know me, thanks for walking with me since day 1. Thank you for your incredible talents @avachdinanti@masmercon @kakayo46 @cobuz@putrijuree.putrijuree @gatut_trumpets@fluteranger @sprwidi @taurataufan@yanuareza @barsenabest tanpa kalian separuh jiwanya konser akan hilang ❤️

The heart of #RaisaFermataConcert ??❤️ I hope you guys know how much I love and appreciate every single one of you!

You’re my person, you’re my home, you are real, you’re my earth. You’re a milion other things that you don’t even know~ Yang ikutan deg2an, yang ikutan lega. Thank you for giving me space to immerse myself in the development of this concert, and for showering me with undivided attention and love when I needed it ❤️ I love you @hamishdw .

The second look. Understated elegance, graceful and eyecatching without having to scream “hey look at me!” . This dress really captures the mood of #raisafermataconcert ❤️ @biyanofficialdress @rinaldyyunardi acessories.

There’s no one else on my mind except @biyanofficial to dress me up for this concert. The first look; I wanted to show off my bump in a fun way and this is the ensemble @astecat and I put together! Acessories by @rinaldyyunardi , fresh flowers by @mimsybotanical ? MUA @bubahalfian hairdo Mas @ardndut ❤️ #raisafermataconcert

Oh what’s mine is mine…but wait… i guess not anymore (for this song). My second single with @diphabarus is finally out guys! go check it out, listen to our new songs Mine, Day & Night Version (yes there are two versions!) now on your favorite platforms! And the official music video is already out now!! Go check out my youtube channel ❤️

Nggak sabar mau merayakan semangat #HitamItuMerahPutih di Sunsilk Kilaufest 2018! Yuuuk dateng hari Minggu, 25 November 2018 di Bintaro Xchange. Wajib banget dateeng karena aku, @isyanasarasvati dan @ramengvrlakan membawakan lagu kolaborasi kami secara LIVE untuk pertama kalinya. Di #SunsilkKilauFest ada banyak banget keseruan kayak kilau salon, kilau market, workshop dan lain-lain. Selain itu ada banyak games berhadiah jutaan rupiah loh! Seru banget kan? Cek @sunsilkiduntuk info lengkap acaranya, ya. Sampai jumpa!

Fermata Intimate Concert akan jadi moment yang ngga terlupakan buat aku.. Energi penonton; YourRaisa, teman2, keluarga, dan energi tim yang bekerja di depan dan belakang layar sungguh sungguh luar biasa. Aku emosional bukan pengen “dramatis”, krn aku istirahat gak akan lama.. Aku emosional karena menerima rasa cinta dan dukungan yang sebesar itu. Gak terbendung dan akhirnya meluap jd sebuah tangis haru. You guys are my energy. Thank you for an amazing night ❤️

See you guys tonight! Remember the “rules”; dilarang jaim, wajib bawa perasaan, nyanyi bareng terus & yang penting, ENJOY THE SHOW! ❤️ #RaisaFermataConcert

Agrabah ✨

Have you guys seen the new #Kilaumuvideo clip from @sunsilkid? • So happy to collaborate with my sisters, @isyanasarasvati & @ramengvrl! • Di video ini kita shooting bareng pemenang #HitamItuMerahPutih dan sahabat mereka. Seru, rame & fun! ? • Ohiya, tanggal 25 November kita ber-3 juga akan perform live di event Sunsilk Kilaufest di Bintaro X’change, jadi pastikan kalian dateng ya ke #SunsilkKilaufest! See ya! 🙂

Alhamdulillah, the response for our new single has been unbelievable. Thank you so much for your supports ❤️ – – Listen to “My Kind of Crazy” by me & @diphabarus now on @applemusic ❤️

This one can’t stop touching my tummy ?

“My Kind Of Crazy” press launch. The response for this single has been amazing, thank you guys!

So glad to finally share the news with you guys! One of the most exciting project on the most exciting chapter of my life. This one is special. Stay tuned for more info ❤️

My collaboration with @diphabarus is (finally) released! Hope you like our newest single “My Kind Of Crazy” ❤️


A fun project with @astecat channeling my inner weightlifter ! Shot by @ronibachroniphotography makeup by @bubahalfian ! See the exhibition now at Plaza Indonesia ❤️

An amazing night at Melbourne Town Hall with the crowds of Soundsekerta! I truly have the best team & supporters to get my energy going and going ❤️ terimakasih semuanyaaa!!

No matter where life plants you, bloom with grace ?

One cold afternoon with this one ✨

I have 2 hearts and 2 brains inside of me ✨

It represents beauty, calm, and true obsession of being the best. That’s what purple means to me. It shows great determination towards your passion and goals, as well as representing classic elegant look that suits my style. So, what are you obsessed with, guys? Let me know by joining #OPPOF9#PurpleObsession to WIN OPPO F9 Starry Purple! @oppoindonesia ?

We’ll see you tonight at Soundsekerta, Melbourne Town Hall ! ❤️