Will you be my Hand of the Queen? My red carpet sidekick? My plus one and then some? I’ll sneak you (give you a luxury trip and make you feel like a khaleesi/khal) to the final Game of Thrones premiere EVER and we can get lit at the after-party! Can’t say anyone else fighting for the Throne would do that, eh? TEAM TARGARYEN 4 LYFE! For your chance to win, enter through my bio link or at omaze.com/emilia @omazeworld #onlyatomaze#breakerofchainsandwebsites#motherofdragonsfriendofomaze#litafredcarpet #onceinalifetimebaby #❤️ #fortheredcarpetthrone

ITS HAPPENING PEOPLE!!!!!!! Posters are live and kicking and mammas got her game face on ?#forthethrone#holdontoyourdragonsbabycosthiswillblowyourmind@gameofthrones @hbo @helenstills

I mean I really don’t know how many more times I can remind myself that last night happened…not only because the end seems rather erm… hazy now.. Safe to say we got LIT UP. Who knew the #oscars2019 could be so damn fun?! From my insane @balmaindress to my insanely magical @niwaka_collections bling to my perfect colour (NOT DONE BY ME OUT OF A BOX!) but by the fantabulous kind saw me on the last day of her holidays @nicolaclarkecolour to @jennychohair@jilliandempsey @jennahipp@petraflannery my sisters from other mistas thank you for making me sparkly and shine and get me to the damn party on time! #littyinthecity#brunetteshavemorefunandnowiveprovedit#? #❤️ #??

My HEROS!!!!!!! These incredible human beans have turned me from “I can barely wake up” to a sparkly purple parmer violet preened to perfection. #❤️ #?♀️?♀️ #? #? #oscars2019#letsgetlit @petraflannery @jennahipp@jennychohair @jilliandempsey@dgbeauty

Blondes have more fun eh?! Well I will see about that this fine #oscar2019evening….. let the good times roll.#illegitimatelycantpeeinthisdress#butwhocaresitsthegoddamnoscars! @jennahipp @jennychohair@jilliandempsey @petraflannery@dgbeauty @georgialouisesk

WTF!!!! YOU GUYS BROKE THE OMAZE WEBSITE!!!! ???????????????? BLOWN AWAY by the reaction from my little @omazeworld video, THANK YOU this breaker of chains and websites can now safely report it is back up and running smoothly! ?By way of an apology the throne, my dragons, Westeros, omaze and I would like to say SOZ and if you enter now at ?omaze.com/Emilia? there are 150 bonus entries to enjoy using the promo code BREAKER you could still be in with a chance to join me on the red carpet for the LAST GAME OF THRONES PREMIERE EVER. Ever. ? So that’s… B (for best believe that after party will be LIT ?) R (really gonna make your friends jelly) E (especially the ones who only watch telly) A (almost as exciting as that delightful takeaway deli) K (kicking down your social media door with the might of a 100 stone welly) E (even if you’d rather be looking up if that’s actually a rash right there on your belly) R (relentless in my determination to make this post rhyme, we may even eat vermicelli) ? #happyscrolling#seeyouonthelitafredcarpetpeople#yesirhymeanditfeelsfine @omazeworld@hbo @gameofthrones #? #?? #❤️ #?

Dear scrollers… I’ve got a very important proposition for you: Wanna get the spoilers before anyone else? Want to feel like a khalessi/khal for the night? Fancy bending the knee to me? Feel like being my Hand of the Queen? No battles for the Iron Throne (that would just be messy…) just us very civilised together at the final Game of Thrones season premiere! (I promise but can’t guarantee I won’t ask you to hold my clutch/dragons heart) It’s all to support a wonderful cause—enter for your chance to win through my bio link or at omaze.com/emilia ???? @omazeworld #onlyatomaze#motherofdragonsfriendofomaze#awinnerhasnonameYET#getredcarpetready#iwontgetyoutoeatahorsesheart#butimaygiveyoumybag@gameofthrones @hbo

Guess whose back….. back again. (Well almost) @helenstills you got that magic ? on ?❤️? @gameofthrones you ready people?! @hbo#motherofimissthathairalready#season8 #gameofthrones#DADADAAHHHHHHHH #theend

Knocking back a martini on the martini shot. Now that’s what I call a @paulfeigmovie. ?? (And a momentary brexit distraction) @lastchristmasthemovieyou’ve shaken and stirred my heart to bursting. #? #?#whistlewhileyouworkbaby #?

Just for the halibut. Im resolving to try to laugh more in 2019 than 2018. Join me if you feel like it. #❤️#?#youareyourownbestbetbaby

Oh 2018 you went by in a flash and a blur. Dearest Instaworld I truly hope your 2019 is full of contentment, laughter and recycling. #happynewyearhappynewplanet #❤️ #ohhello2019#instantlyregrettedtakingoffmybootsandgivingmyfeetpneumonia? @charliemcdowell (well he is a director after all)

Spoiler alert. #lastchristmasmovie is NO fun AT ALL. #? #?#hellochristmasbreak #hellohangovers#goodbyeeyeshellosmiles @paulfeig and Miss Thompson you have my heart (and liver) forever ❤️ (or till we start back up again in January)

SO….One of my best friends in all the world (@david.mumeni) has done something good, very very good he has started a charity @opendoorpeople that helps young people from low income backgrounds get into drama school and become actors. (yes, I’m a little bit proud to call him my friend) This cracking photo is me visiting his first batch of aspiring young actors- we chatted, we asked hard questions, we ate chocolate brownies and I gave as much advice as I possibly could whilst remembering how much of the world was at my feet when I started auditioning for drama school… that could be you! After an amazing first year they’ve launched again, not just in London but the East Midlands too. So all you aspiring actors out there sign up and get involved. Deadline for London is 7th of November and East Midlands 23rd of November. Now my papa worked in theatre but as a sound designer, so I grew up backstage watching the inner workings – the backbone of any show and THESE GUYS are also doing backstage too so if you fancy a job in lighting, sound, costume, prop making, stage management etc get involved. To find out more and apply head to www.opendoor.org.uk and follow the @opendoorpeople and drop @david.mumeni a DM to tell him how damn wonderful he is, cos he is #❤️ #?#goodvibesmakestheworldgoround

In this photo I am sick as a dog – but the mad crazy insane skills of @jennychohairand @kateleemakeup make even me question just how high that fever was…. (FOR REALS I don’t look like this when ill EVER ?) @baftala I’m so over the moon for the night that made my under the weather heart beat even faster holding onto one very heavy award. (Heavy with the love I got from my two favourite humans- D&D) @gameofthrones forever and ever and also now presiding over my downstairs loo. #?#lovemakesthefevergodown #myheros #❤️ #? #modforlyfe

Well that was a birthday I won’t be forgetting in a while. ❤️

FULL DISCLOSURE: dragons are not for eating. Only for riding, and the occasional bbq. However this chocolate cake explosion of love is..(that grin managed almost the whole thing) @lolafrears I love you with the fire of a thousand dragon panic attacks. (Carnage right?) But dear instaworld I wanted to say a huge thank you to all you glorious wonder creatures who wished me a happy birthday! I felt like one very lucky chica to have been sent so much love… (and chocolate) ❤️?❤️ #thirtiesareforthecake#andtheeyebrowsfindingevengreaterheightsthaneverbefore#itmustbelove

I’m just a girl (dressed as a man) standing in front of a boy asking him to follow her. @raven__smith you are the sole reason why I started an Instagram account. (@lolafrears can we still screen grab his life now we’ve met IRL?)#ifyouonlydoonethingtodayfollowthismanandhisgenius(BUT SERIOUSLY @raven__smith CAN YOU FOLLOW ME?!) #truthhurts

Well well well, nothing like a good perfume to make you erupt into song… ???? @dgbeauty you make me feel like I can do anything! Even sing in Italian…(what cheat sheet) #❤️#itreallydoessmellgoodenoughtosingabout#DGTheonlyone #DGbeauty

#ibelieveher #believesurvivors

Me: I’m thinking when Gwyneth and Brad had the same hair cut.@jennychohair : I got ‘chu #?♀️#nowijustneedanextra2feetoflegs#slidingdoors4lyfe @jennychohair I would follow you into any battle anytime anywhere you my GURL! #❤️#fortheloveofthelowmaintenance

MOD 4 LYFE!!!!?@_dr_woo_ made sure this mamma ain’t NEVER forgetting her babies…. ? #dontworryionlybrieflypassedout#withfyreandinkbaby#modgothookedupp#couldntbehappierifitried #? #? #❤️

I’ll never stop thanking @gameofthronesfor introducing me to my sista from anotha mista @nathalieemmanuel a true beauty inside and out ?❤️ Safe to say these smiles are from eating the entire buffet at the @hbo party… SO MANY HOURS GETTING READY AND AFTER THIS I ALMOST POPPED OUT OF MY DRESS. #itsincrediblewedonthavefoodinourteeth#targaryansforlyfe #? #?

YUP. My people did good. Hours and I mean HOURS later. She found her light.@dior @petraflannery @jennychohair@kateleemakeup @jennahipp#emmys2018 #werollin #? #??

It’s that time of year folks… need to drop this shameless selfie to give thanks to the village/town/entire continent it takes to make me feel like a damn KWEEN on the red carpet @georgialouisesk@jennychohair @kateleemakeup@petraflannery these be my PEOPLE. ?? Tomorrow morning I will look like a spade found my face en route to the bush my hair ended up in. #emmys2018#onceuponaredcarpet #❤️ #?

LIVING OUR BEST LYFE. #rosieandguilda2k18#comingtoacinemanearyouatsomepointsometimesomewhereifwegetouroutiftstogether#rideordie #?

?L.O.L.A.S B.I.R.T.H.D.A.Y VS B.E.V.E.R.L.Y H.I.L.L.S? We’ve never been so happy. … still so clueless and still so happy.#werenotvirginsandweCANdrive!#rollinwithmyhomies#livingour12yearolddreams#wellheregoesoursociallife #❤️?#loveyouforlyfebbgurl

The only one. And the only one pose that requires more concentration than my driving test. The delicious @dgbeautymade it the only one day to feel like an Italian Principessa (and hold hands with this hunk) in capturing this deep in thought shot. But hear me when I say this perfume smells damn good, and in wearing it, so will you and whoever you hold hands with…. #gogetemtigers#viaitalia #DGbeauty #DGtheonlyone#ifailedmyfirstthreedrivingtests#apparentlymyconcentrationneededwork

ITS CALLED SPACIAL AWARENESS GUYS. #nooneputsroxyinthecorner#photobombingatitsfinest #?

Home is where you hang your (multiple) dispositions. #newhousewhodis#propellersareIN #?

Being a god mamma to this miraculous human bean is about the best damn thing that’s happened since I dusted off this facial expression I learnt in drama school “mask class”. (Yup, I got a degree) ?#wellworththewait#aintnothingmaskingthislove (??) #defintelystillonholiday#riceandpeasforlyfe #❤️

Lotta lotus up in this over-a-decade-long friendship of ours…(blissfully unaware the words behind us are the Lotus mantra) The summer of ‘playtime allll the time’ has been brighter than the Italian sun. ?❤️?❤️?❤️?❤️?❤️ #grazietutti @myofflinecommunityofone#mysummerpartnerincrimeandgrimeforalloftimetheend#whatdoyoumeannomoreholidays?! #?#iveforgottenhowtonotbeonholiday#holidayholidayholidayholiday#thereigotitoutmysystem #HOLIDAYS4EVA!!! #Safe

Goes on holiday once? Comes back fully spiced. #letthegoodtimesroll#butnotoffacliffwithmeontheroofplease#?♀️

#Giddy I feel giddy and light after being suspended in a two week state of bliss sponsored sunshine. Who knew the end of something could bring about the start of something very good for my brain…. Niente.#herestotheartofdoingnothing#herestoallthebestfriendsagalcoulddreamof#andnowedidntcatchadamnthingbutaglassofwineorthree#?

Foraging; footloose and fancy free. Looks like a holiday to me. #icouldgetusedtothis#iwaspaidformymanuallabourinloveandfood#☀️ #longlivesummer

Just had the most moving inspiring and humbling night @thercn#nurseoftheyearawards .. these hard working individuals are changing the world every single day. I am so privileged to be an ambassador for the @rcn and tonight is the kinda night where I see how much good we can do for these people who never give up on us.#spreadthehealthworkerandnurcelove #❤️ #wecanhelpthemhelpus

Hopped on a boat to an island to say goodbye to the land that has been my home away from home for almost a decade. It’s been a trip @gameofthronesthank you for the life I never dreamed I’d be able to live and the family I’ll never stop missing #?#lastseasonitis

The human embodiment of a wonderwall. Thank you #liamghallagerfor the reminder.. #❤️ #?#90’stributebandlookalikes? #motherofsingalongs @johnbradleywest@gameofthrones #heartbreakclub#almostover

No need for ID security know me…. #plusoneforlyfe #❤️ @beyonce #otrtour@lolafrears @dizzeerascal#thankyouforwritingourcatchphrase

….. ? #whatwereallydointheloo@beyonce

….FYI ITS ALL ABOUT BEY. ? Bare witness to the end of the best night of my life. #otrtour2018 #beyandjayforever#meandthiscutoutforeverandeverandever#bringbeytoworkday? #❤️ #planescrew@beyonce #headswag

I GOT A SWORD! AND A CROWN! AND AN UNDERBITE! ? I also got the bestest gal in the whole wide world by my side. @nathalieemmanuel I’ll play dress up with you for LYFE ?♀️❤️???#whoruntheworld #wedo@gameofthrones you’re kicking my emotional butt. #forthelove

FYI…This is the closest you’ll ever get to me attempting ‘that lift’ from dirty dancing. Yes, my man is sitting. Yes, there’s no lake. And yes, I have no idea I’m NOT being raised above his head. (Id like to take a moment to thank alcohol for giving me courage to attempt this. Ever.) @gameofthrones @prideofgypsies#nooneputsdrogointhecorner#imhavingthetimeofmylife #fyi#thankgodwegotthatmanonathrone#mysunandstarsintheireyes #❤️ #?

VERY VERY HAPPY ABOUT #soloastarwarsstory COMING OUT ON FRIDAY!!!!!!! ??? In other news this FABULOUS new bob is the chicest way to style out some burnt out mother of dragons split ends… #everypunintended#whenyourendslooklikeawildlingsitstimetochop@jennychohair after a decade of good times you make me wanna whip my super fly hair back and forth #? #canigetahellsyeah #❤️ #?@kateleemakeup @petraflannery you light this mother’s fire! All for some of that @starwarslove….?

Well… @goodmorningamerica!!Moments after I arrived on the show @steveaoki knocked on my dressing room door and asked to bend the knee, and as a sword replacement all I could find was a banana……………… THATS the part of this scenario I’m stuck on? Go figure. Safe to say the Targaryens have never been as cool ?? @goodmorningamerica#youwakemeuptherightway#bannanabenders#canwedothiszerogravitydoh? #didntseethatcoming #? @starwars

That time when @jimmyfallon and I went to 70’s prom… mullet? Check. Cheesy grin? CHECK. ?#mumgetthisoneinaframe#onecorsageawayfromperfection #? #? #?

Oh jimmy baby you got me in the dancing mood! @jimmyfallon tune in tonight to see my FRANKLY EMBARRASSING WOOKIE. Star Wars fans everywhere I apologise ?♀️ #jimmymakesmeshimmy#wookiewierdnessmakesmefearless #?#? @starwars Oh and @jennychohair@kateleemakeup @petraflannery YOU GIRLS SLAY! ? xxx

What up instaworld… it’s your absolute LAST CHANCE to come hang with me on the Game of Thrones set in Belfast!!! Because I’m such a kind and loving leader, I want YOU to get an extra 100 entries with the promo code KHALEESI. ?Now, don’t leave your dragon mamma waiting…..ENTER with the link in my bio or at omaze.com/got And yes, the pooch (Molly) is my dragon replacement when I’m not filming. Not quite as fast but you should see her carry me home… OH WAIT YOU COULD IF YOU ENTER THIS COMPETITION!!!!!!! ???#doitforthedragons#itslamosttimeforawinner#mynewsunandstars? #saverofnursesandbringerofjoy#awinnerhasanewname#anditcouldbeYOURS! #boombaby #❤️#? #?

?!ITS BABY’S FIRST CANNES!?These insanely talented ladies have literally been pulling rabbits outta hats (and 8 bags) getting my touché on the red carpet feeling like an intergalactic yacht owning ladies boss ? #? #solobaby!@jennychohair @kateleemakeup@petraflannery @narrativepr all up in the Star Wars sauce ❤️???

Ladies that Cannes together? Get lit in the ladies together. #? The love I have for this human is more real that equal rights for droids in space. #cannes2018#soloastarwarsstory#phoebewallerbridge #yachtsyah?!!?! #poutandpee #❤️

Me and a few of my pals just wanted to send all our Nurses some love for #internationalnursesday !! (Yes that’s what my homemade sign says…) If you’re near a nurse today…. GIVE THEM LOVE!!! (I mean if Chewie can then we all can am I right?!) #fortheloveofthegood#starwarssendsitsregards#soloastarwarsstory @thercn @starwars@woodyharrelson @childishgambino@realronhoward @joonassuotamo

So… this one time I entered my own fairytale world of wearing a crown of flowers and gilded trains of needlepoint heaven thanks to @dolcegabbana and the hallowed steps of the #metgala2018. Let the princess fantasy continue baby!#ifonlymy7yearoldselfknewwhatwasinstore…#dolcedreamingcometrue#fortheloveofmetmagic #❤️

“Did anyone ever tell you you look ALOT like Harrison Ford?” #jokessponseredbystarwars#theyllgetbetter#thismovieisthebombBABY #? #❤️ #? @starwars