Here’s a flashback. I grew up without running water, so I didn’t know what a shower was until I was 15 and joined the gym. This basin and a washcloth was how we bathed. My brother and I would schlep the water from the well to the house, and then we would all clean ourselves – first my mother, then my father, then my brother, then me. The water was a little dirty by the time it was our turn but my brother and I weren’t going to schlep back to the well. Tell me about the memories from your childhood that remind you how far you’ve come. #fbf

This is what happens when @patrickschwarzenegger and I go shopping together.

Congratulations to our 2019 @arnoldsports Arnold Classic champion @brandon__curry!

Two champions. Congratulations @thorbjornsson on your second consecutive Arnold Strongman victory! And thanks @smiles_taylor for helping us celebrate with your never-ending joy.

Need more inspiration? Watch @dadanddaughterlift at the @arnoldsports kids expo. #fitnessforeveryone

When I walk through the @arnoldsportspeople tell me I’m their hero, and I appreciate it. But tonight I wanted to introduce the crowd to some of my heroes. I want to thank @smiles_taylor, @derick_carver, and Garrett and Jabari from @specialolympics for inspiring me and the entire crowd. They prove that fitness is for everyone. We all have the right to be fit. There is no privilege in fitness. The weight is the same – no matter if you’re rich or poor, no matter where you come from, no matter your race, no matter your sexual identity or orientation, no matter what dis❌ability you may have. If you own a successful gym but don’t welcome absolutely everyone, you do not run a successful gym. Do better. Fitness is for each and every one of us.
The Arnold Sports Festival

I signed a lot of stuff at the @weareladder booth. Go get it!

Don’t miss my Snapchat this weekend at the @ArnoldSports. I’m ArnoldSchnitzel. And contribute your posts to Our Story!

The biggest celebrity guest at this year’s @arnoldsports is without a doubt @smiles_taylor. So pumped to have breakfast with you and can’t wait to see you lift tonight!

Don’t miss the @weareladder booth for samples, merchandise, and contests to meet me. See you there. #withladder
Greater Columbus Convention Center

Today at our @afterschoolallstars board meeting we heard from Citlali, Janell and Salma about why our programs matter to them, and I was so inspired by their presentations that I wanted all of you to hear from them. This is why we do what we do.

I am pumped for this. After traveling to a comic-con, I was inspired that we should be giving people the opportunity to meet their heroes at @arnoldsports. I also saw that the worlds of pop culture and fitness intersect – it’s all about heroes. Looking forward to meeting you! The panels are free, click the link in my bio for links and photo-ops.

Nothing like a bike ride after skiing all morning.

Wow, @dollyparton. I absolutely loved your performance last night. You were the best when we took this photo, and you are still the greatest today.

Conan is back. I was so pumped to get this new special edition comic book. You can get yours at the link in my bio – or get it at the @arnoldsports festival!

I saw the most incredible performance tonight. The combination of mind-blowing music by @thisisrozzi and beautiful ballet by @isabellaboylston is fantastic. When they take this show on the road, don’t miss it. And make sure to follow them.

I have a new hero. You inspire me, @smiles_taylor.

This Ronald Reagan Day, let’s once again ask ourselves the question he asked in his first inaugural: “How can we love our country and not love our countrymen?”

Life is all about balance. A 0 degree (celsius) temperature didn’t stop me from my morning bike ride, and my commitment to fitness didn’t stop me from enjoying some not-0 calorie delicious treats. #lifeisaworkout

A lot of you asked where you can get the @arnoldsports Strongman USA shirt we sold at the pier. Check out the link in my bio – proceeds go to the firefighters!

Thank you to all of you who came out to the pier for our first ever @arnoldsportsStrongman USA. It was a fantastic event, and most importantly, we raised a lot of money for the firefighters. We’ll be back.

Congratulations to our first @arnoldsports Strongman USA Champion, @martinslicis and congrats to @tscott1911 from @calfire on winning our first World’s Strongest Firefighter contest. Thank you to all of you who came out to support our California firefighters! We’ll be back to the pier next year!

See you at the Santa Monica Pier at noon! Get ready for the world’s strongest men, our bravest firefighters, and a beautiful day. Link in bio!

#tbt Stone lifting in a Munich Bar. This is a baby weight compared to what the strongmen will be lifting this weekend on the pier. Join me in supporting the firefighters! Click the link in my bio for tickets.

This Thursday, you can watch the most beautiful documentary, @wondersofthesea3d. It will blow your mind – trust me. Plus, it’s my first time narrating a documentary so you get to hear me say “anemone.” Bring your family and fall in love with the oceans. Get your tickets at the link in my bio!

This Saturday. Don’t miss the strongest men in the world on the Santa Monica pier. Proceeds benefit our firefighters. I’ll be there – will you? Get your ticket at the link in my bio. $15 now, $20 at the door.

One week from today, join me and the strongest men in the world on the Santa Monica Pier for the Arnold Strongman USA Championship. Proceeds benefit our brave CA firefighters. Tickets are $15 in advance – get them at the link in my bio. Bring your families – it’s going to be a fantastic day.

Get to the pop up! Don’t miss the @weareladder collaboration at @risenation and get some of our products. You can power your workout with our energy and recover with our protein smoothies. I had one today and it was delicious.

It isn’t Monday anymore, but we all need motivation every day. Strength doesn’t come from winning. #lifeisaworkout If you want to start each week with #mondaymotivation, make sure you’re following @weareladder.

Fantastic to celebrate @gavinnewsom’sinauguration today with a lot of old friends. I wish you the best of luck, Governor, and I am here if you need anything as you work to serve all Californians.

I violently agree with you, @lindseyvonn.@kingjames, what do you have to say? Check out @weareladder at the link in my bio. #thereisnomagicpill#lifeisaworkout

Heading into 2019 like…

Happy birthday, @kingjames. You’ll be back in no time. #lifeisaworkout

All young people deserve a safe place to go after school, regardless of their zip code. When you invest in free after school programs, you create opportunities for under-resourced youth. Be a champion for our country’s future changemakers & donate now at the link in my bio.

My prescription for recovery after a long day of skiing: jacuzzi + dog kisses.

I’m so proud that all of my fans will have an opportunity to see @wondersofthesea3d in theaters January 17th! Trust me, you’ll fall in love with the ocean. Check for screenings and get tickets at the link in my bio.

My annual Christmas tradition for more than two decades – donating and giving out toys at Hollenbeck Youth Center. If you can, please find every way you can to give back this time of year. It means the world to people who are less fortunate, and it reminds all of us that we needed help to get where we are. A big thank you to @thetomarnold and @iamgabriellunafor helping!

Happy birthday @katherineschwarzenegger. Today is all about you, but I want you to know you make me proud every single day. I love you.

All of your early resolutions inspire me. I’m posting a link in my bio with a beginner workout and a comment section for all of us to pump each other up

Don’t miss my @cnn piece about not waiting until the New Year to start your fitness journey. Read it at the link in my bio. And tell me what you’re doing to be better today!

Congratulations @officialslystallone and @taschen on an absolutely beautiful Rocky book. I’m so pumped to add it to my library.

Today, we’ve lost a great hero. George Bush was an inspiration to all Americans and we will miss him dearly. From the day he first put on his U.S. Navy flight suit and took off into the unknown, he always put his country first. He took on many jobs throughout his long career, and all shared one distinct trait: public service. His greatest legacy is that pure American spirit, that commitment to selflessness that drove him until the very end. He was born in a time that seemed to produce an endless supply of heroes, but make no mistake: George Bush embodies everything that made the Greatest Generation great. I will always be grateful to him for his friendship, for embracing me and imparting just a fraction of his wisdom during our time together. Some of my fondest memories are of sledding with him at Camp David and inspiring America to join our fitness crusade by hosting the Great American Workout with him on the White House lawn and listening to his speech advice as we flew between campaign rallies. I will never forget the pride I felt the day he appointed me Chairman of the President’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports. I loved to hear him surprise people with his wild side – explaining the pure joy he felt as he flew and jumped out of planes. I also loved to hear him explain his passion for this country – it was a true love that knew no petty boundaries or party lines. He taught me so much, but most of all, he taught me the power of serving a cause greater than yourself. I count myself lucky for many reasons; but for the opportunity to call George Bush a mentor, I can’t help but think I’m the luckiest man in America. President Bush has left us for one last flight but his destination isn’t unknown. He’s flying into the arms of the love of his life, Barbara. This evening, each of us should take a minute to look up and offer him a silent thanks.

Thanks for answering, David. And thanks to all of you who have joined us with @weareladder. If you got a voicemail from me today, enjoy.

If you ordered a @weareladder box, make sure to pick up your phone. The customer service guy has a really funny accent. Link in my bio.

I’m pumped up to finally share a project we’ve been working on for more than two years: @weareladder. Thank you to my partners, @cindycrawford, @lindseyvonn, and @kingjames, and the whole team. Check it out at the link in my bio. #lifeisaworkout #thereisnomagicpill

Fantastic first ski weekend of the year with @patrickschwarzenegger!

Today in Paradise I saw devastation & I met people who have lost everything. But I also saw the spirit of America. I saw firefighters working 24 hours shifts & I saw volunteers serving food and helping in every way. This Thanksgiving, I thank them for showing what makes us great.

What do you do to give back during the holidays? My Thanksgiving tradition for three decades has been donating and handing out turkeys at the Hollenbeck Center. I want to hear yours!

Congratulations to @kingjames on passing Wilt for fifth on the all-time scoring list. What a champion. I’m proud of you.

Stan Lee created more legends than any of us can count, but his own life was the greatest story he ever wrote. He inspired billions around the world, including me, and I was honored to know him.

Never forget: our veterans make us great. The @remembered2018#ThereButNotThere launched here in the USA a few months ago, to remind us of our important involvement in World War I. The campaign is also raising money for military charities worldwide – providing support for our veterans who need it after their service. It’s a cause I am proud and happy to support. Find out more and support here: https://www.therebutnotthere.com

I am so proud of you, Christina! I love your writing, I love your modeling, and I love you, my schpatzl. #ProudDad