he took care of us all. an authentic man who took pleasure in offering us his guidance and wisdom. his presence was healing; he had the ability to make you feel comfortable and at ease within seconds of seeing him. i will never forget the collective shock and distress we experienced when the news broke on set. we lost a dear friend. my heart hurts for his family and anybody who had the pleasure of knowing him. rest in peace, luke. although you’re no longer around to wrap me in the warmth of your hug, i can still remember what it felt like. whenever i think of you, i will remember that feeling.

in honor of #NEDAwareness week: about a year ago, i decided to stop dieting and chasing this idea of a body that i was conditioned to believe is the only acceptable shape. i was never concerned with weight and numbers, but i cared a lot about having a flat tummy, no cellulite, and those “give that girl a sandwich” arms that make you look slender from every angle. when i stopped obsessing over the details of my everyday dietary choices, i started thinking more generally: am i drinking enough water? getting enough sleep? eating enough veggies? i started trusting myself, and trusting that i care enough about my well-being to make healthy choices more often than not. but ALSO i started allowing myself to make “bad” choices. because those made me feel free, and like i wasn’t trapped in an unhappy lifestyle. give yourself the freedom to make “bad” choices. they do not make or break you. they do not define you. i was terrified of giving myself the freedom, of all the weight i could potentially gain. and to be honest, after one year of not dieting, i pretty much look the same. been training more so maybe a little stronger, but mostly i’m just healthier and happier. i’ve finally accepted that this shape is the shape my body wants to live in. you will never win the war against your genetic makeup! anyway i’m not here to tell you how to live your life. i’m just here to remind you that your healthy body deserves love. there is a life for you in which you can be healthy in both mind and body. it’s not always rainbows and butterflies, but whenever i struggle, i always come back to this: why should i care to look like a runway model when my curves got me lookin’ like a damn fertile, renaissance goddess ?? find the beauty in your body. i promise you it’s there.


“i love nature”

thank youuu @oceandrivemag ? it’s an honor to rep my hometown on your cover! link in bio for the full story ?: @jameswhitefoto

it comes in handy that @beau_nelson is not only a talented makeup artist but also an amazing photographer


i love a grainy selfie

ok i’m feeling really soft right now so bear with me ? @madelame gave me this gem last week when i was feeling stressed and anxious and all over the place, and i had no idea i would love it this much. sometimes i focus way too much on the negative, like many of us do, and too easily i forget to give value to all the amazing things that have happened in my life. there is so much to be grateful for that we should be acknowledging on a daily basis. this career comes with a lot of pressure and stress but i’ve dedicated my entire life thus far to achieving this goal and i will never take my dream-turned-reality for granted. many more goals to be achieved, but i will never let my ambition interfere with my gratitude. and neither should you! sincerely soft, soft always, yours softly, camila xx

your talent is out of this world @kendallkyra ♥️

meu cremoso

what’s a hairbrush

last night i learned a couple things about football but also that i love wearing red lipstick and this @prabalgurung dress understands me on a spiritual level

go sports

veronica goes full film noir on tonight’s episode of #riverdale. wears a very extravagant hat. you’ll just have to go see for yourself.

this was a fun day

this is my selfie face, it’s kind of like my regular face but more vacant and lifeless

appreciation post for my little friend here @johnfriedaus Frizz Ease Secret Weapon Touch-Up Crème…got me through all sorts of bad hair days #johnfriedapartner#forhairthatdemandsattention

celine dijon. ok i’m done

miu me, miu year

loved every aspect of this shoot ⚡️ thank youuu @ladygunn @janellshirtcliff ~ full story in bio

happy birthday @melton i will always protect you ?

tourist mode

안녕하세요 ??

smol nut

barbie brasileira ? @gq

reading this morning’s emails

getting in touch with my nautical side ? @groot @davegrutman

a simple girl with simple needs. just a reminder that ??the new romantic? is available on itunes!

celebrating friendsgiving with my @johnfriedaus fam ? #johnfriedapartner

??? link in bio for full interview

the subtle art of side-eye

digital cover for @flauntmagazine ~ photographed by @brasshands ??♀️ #TheTransienceIssue

my kind of talk show @busytonighttv ? thanks for having me @busyphilippsplease bring me back for another margarita!

people’s choice awards ?✨ thanks for voting and making riverdale the best drama show of 2018! we love youuUuUu

the moment i put on my wardrobe for teen hermione, i knew this had to be done

our flashback episode airs tonight! introducing the midnight club ??♀️??♂️??♀️ #riverdale

TODAY is the DAY ? currently faxing over my absentee ballot. that’s right i said FAXING.

*flushes toilet seductively* ? @NewRomanticMovie will be available on iTunes and On Demand 11/13. pre-order now!

faded red lipstick, wine stain, or hUmAn bLoOd?? hAhA happy halloween ?: @ccopp

text VOTER to 26797 and make a plan to vote on Tuesday, November 6. @iamavoter #iamavoter

vote for me, and all your wildest dreams will come true.

washing my hair every day isn’t an option with my schedule, so a reliable second-day hair routine is essential! luckily my friends at @johnfriedaus gave me the right products to keep my hair fresh. check out my hair tutorials and shop the products here: JohnFrieda.Social/Cami #johnfriedapartner

hello my dear canadians! boy do i have an idea for you! go see @newromanticmovietonight in theaters! or tomorrow! or the day after that! you get it! just go see it! it’s free real estate!

i love this photo just as much as i love this memory @sashafro

more from @shape ~ link in bio for full cover story ?

When girls receive an education, amazing things start to happen: poverty goes down. Economies grow. Families get stronger. Babies are born healthier. And the world, by all accounts, gets better. That’s why on the International #DayoftheGirl, I’m proud to join @MichelleObama and the @GlobalGirlsAlliance to stand up for adolescent girls’ education. Join us—because the future of our world is only as bright as our girls. #GlobalGirlsAlliance

november issue of @shape on stands 10/16! ? photo by @peggysirota


when it comes to doing my own hair, I like to keep it effortless & frizz-free ✨ @davestanwell taught me how to get that look using my favorite @johnfriedaus products, and now it’s my daily routine. watch my tutorial and shop the products with this link: johnfrieda.social/camila #JohnFriedaPartner

goes hiking once

i registered to vote while in canada shooting season 1 of riverdale — and as an overseas voter, i had to vote by snail mail — and i hate snail mail. @toryburchcreated a limited edition VOTE t-shirt, and 100% of the proceeds will benefit Yara Shahidi’s @eighteenx18 initiative to engage the next generation of voters. get your t-shirt and support the cause, but more importantly, REGISTER TO VOTE! #ownyourvote